From: Mario Shi
To: Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2018 9:58 AM
Subject:Re: Mario Shi- December 26
I can’t thank you enough for your help. You saved me as I came during the busy season and found a car for me even though all cars in the country were booked. Much appreciated!
From: 894nevada
To: Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 7:01 PM
Subject:Next visit July 1-8
Hi Harold,
I was very happy with the Diesel Toyota Land Cruiser Prada and GPS last week while in Costa Rica.
We will be returning on July 1st arriving at San Jose Airport at 12:30 pm. If possible I would like
to reserve the same or a similar vehicle as the power was commendable for hauling all 7 of us up hills
on the gravel roads in Chontales. Can you meet us at the airport with the vehicle at 12:30pm on Saturday
July 1? We will be returning it at about 7pm the night of July 7th to the Courtyard Marriott at the airport just like last week.
At the courtyard Marriott airport. Parking space 4. We told them, but just wanted to make sure because. We are leaving early am.
Thank you.
Marcus Romanowski
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2016 11:04 PM
Subject:Re: Prado Rental 8/20
Hello Harold.
Another great rental.
Please pick up the car.
At the courtyard Marriott airport. Parking space 4. We told them, but just wanted to make sure because. We are leaving early am.
Thank you.
Until next time.
Tammy Smith
From: James Burkette
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent:Tuesday, March 15, 2016 1:00 PM
Subject:Re: costa rica confirm
Once again, you did well by us. Bego was perfect, no problem with pick up or drop off.
If God is willing, we will be in touch again next year. Stay safe Jim/Karen
From: Jack Castro
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 9:09 PM
Subject: Landcruiser rental
Wow!! When you said newer cars I didn't think I would get a landcruiser with only 1100 kilometers. Very nice. Friendly staff at Toyota. I am very happy to have used you Harold. Ooh got the free gps.. Thanks will defiantly use orbitcostarica again!!
Victor one of our car rental clients for last 18 years
ex director strategic planning exxon chemical
with paula the current treasurer
of intel latin america
and angela jimenez orbit real estate.

From: Andrew Zaitsev-Zotov
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: costa rica car confirm
great, thanks! Just spoke with one of your representatives they told the car would be around 10am already.
Thank you so much for this blazing speed!
From: Raj Hotmail
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: costa rica confirm
We had a great trip to Costa Rica and back
The car worked out well
Thanks for your help
From: V R Rajkumar
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2014 3:49 PM
Subject: FW: costa rica confirm
Hi Harold,
Trust you are doing well.
We will be arriving next week on Dec 25 early morning. I wanted to reconfirm the reservations and also that we have a car seat for our 3 year old boy
Look forward to visiting Costa Rica
"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea” - Antoine de Saint
From: "Christopher Boyette " <>
To: <Harold - Orbit Costa Rica >
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Toyota Rent a Car- CHRISTOPHER BOYETTE
You're going to get a stellar review from me, and I would welcome any queries you might want to refer to me.
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Harold - Orbit Costa Rica <> wrote:
ok next time any clients want to know if we go the extra mile i will refer them to you and some others
we actually handle the problems for clients that our car rental agents cannot figure out how to deal with
english speaking clients----sometimes it takes a couple of weeks before it gets fixed
escazu costa rica
telephone 88271314
fax country code 506-22896243
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Boyette "
To: <Harold - Orbit Costa Rica >
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Toyota Rent a Car- CHRISTOPHER BOYETTE
Hello Harold,
I'm not sure just yet as I just changed my credit card number. The agency tells me it will transfer to my new card number but I won't be able to see it for about a week. I'll let you
know. Thanks for all your help.
On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Harold - Orbit Costa Rica wrote:
please advise you recieved this
From:"Lizi Alvarez "
To: <Harold - Orbit Costa Rica >
Cc: Pablo Bogantes ; Brenda Azua
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:38 PM
Good afternoon Mr. Harold,
In the attachment you can find the refund to Mr. Boyette´s credit card of $323.18.
Please let us know if we can assist you with further information.
Best Regards,
Lizi Alvarez
From: "William Lautar "
To: <Harold - Orbit Costa Rica >
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 9:21 AM
Subject: Costa Rica
This fellow was head of audit department for proctor and gamble costa rica for last 3 years
but our real connection was he was
quarterback for miami of ohio and loves the bengals.
From: "Abdul Mohamed "
To: < >
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 7:04 PM
Subject: Van Rental
Very happy with good service. Will use this service in future and recommend to friends.
I called for 10-12 pasanger van. We need it starting Sunday Jan. 27th between 9am to 10am and ending Feb. 2nd 6pm.
We are in Sabana Oeste 600 meters west of UCIMED and 50 meters south.
Name: Abdul Mohamed
Phone: 8353 6425 or 2231 1037
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: Costa Rica SUV 2/6 to 2/14
Hi Harold,
Thanks again for setting this up. The RAV 4 worked well. What a great country. We had an amazing time.
Thanks Tim Quinn
From: "Scott Brane " <>
To: "Harold - Orbit Costa Rica"<>
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 12:43 PM
Subject: RE: car rental
Harold, thanks. It’s been several years, I was wondering if you were still there.
I arrive on Frontier flight F9 87, it gets me out of the airport after customs about 6am. So as soon as I could get the car after that would be fantastic. Please let me know what you need for confirming the reservation.
Scott Brane
co founder
2840 West Bay Dr.
Belleaire Bluffs, Florida
From: "Gary & April" <>
To: "'Harold - Orbit Costa Rica'" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: San Jose Hotel Reservation
Harold, sorry but I meant to send you an e-mail earlier than this but it
slipped my mind (think it could be an age issue :). Thanks for the
recommendations of the bego 4x4 especially for the one to the Manchu Pichu restaurant. It
was great. We tried to go back on a Sunday night but it was closed.
Excellent recommendation!
Gary Stocks
7799 Coachman Court Harrisburg, NC 28075-9512 USA
Dr. James Miller
Dept of Physics
Boston University
telephone 617-353-2659
August 17, 2004
Dear Orbit
Thanks for another great trip. The landcruiser hardtop absolutely had the gear ratio to get up any hill including the terrible dirt road at the farm. I promise to not wait till last minute next time to let you know to have vehicle ready.
Anyone that asks this is my 8th trip with Orbit.
ORBIT NOTE: Dr. Miller is now spending half his time at FERMILAB in Chicago these days.
From: Roland Sauermann
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2010 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: costa rica
Great Job arranging the Vehicle (Toyotoma Diesel Land Cruiser) and the Stay in the central valley at the Hotel Buenavista. Your local knowledge is welcome and greatly appreciated. We will definitely use you the next time we get down there!!!
Great Job
From: Roland Sauermann
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:22 AM
Subject: Car/driver hire (1 Week)
Dear Sir,
I have reviewed your website and I am Interested in a 1 week SUV rental and driver in a Large late model SUV (Suburban or Full size Toyota Land Cruiser).Trip is from San Jose to Manuel Antonio (we will pay for Driver food/expenses/Housing in Manuel Antonio/Quepos) and back for the week,Arrive San Jose Sat March 13, 2010 at 1:00PM from Houston (CO 1528).Leave Manuel Antonio Saturday March 20, 2010 in PM, Flight to Houston on Sunday 2:55PM (CO 1447)
We are 6 adults (not many Bags)
Date: March 17, 2007
Dear Harold
Orbit Travel
Thank you very much. happy to be a reference in the future.
Timothy R. White
Staff Attorney
Enforcement Division, MC110-1A
Texas Department of Insurance
333 Guadalupe
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 322-3291
(512) 475-1772 (fax)
Our Reply:
From: "Harold - Orbit Costa Rica" <>
03/17/07 11:07AM
$10 credited to your card march 15
It took a while but we did it
Thanks for your patronage
I hope we can use you as reference in future for people from texas who want assurance we go the extra mile to protect client
From: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica []
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 11:07 AM
To: Jeff Sharp San Diego, California Subject:
Re: copias
we are not perfect but one thing i insist on is making sure clients know we follow up on all complaints
i am convinced that american express card will cover all collission deduct even though they take a long time but this of course is something i would like to get in writing from amex before i take a trip
what amex seems to never cover is the liability and we tell clients that they can make decision on buying 0 deduct on this or not since we do not believe in selling extra insurance unless clients want it too many rental cos give clients low ball prices and then load them up with extra insurance on arrival
From: "Jeff Sharp" San Diego, California
To: "Harold - Orbit Costa Rica" <>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 12:01 PM
Subject: RE: copias
Thank you. I re-read your website and went over the bill. I was under the impression that my AMEX was covering the additional insurance. The truck never gave us any problems so I will stop complaining about the bill. Thanks for following up.
SEPT 7, 1999

Maurice Kanbar with Robert Redford
From: The Masons
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Send:Sunday, March 02, 2008 6:44 AM
Subject: We are home!!!
I just wanted to thank you for all your help, we did stay at Hotel Playa Hermosa, right on the beach, that you suggested at the beginning, we loved it!!!! YOUR CAR RENTAL AGENTS were wonderful, got a yaris with 5500 km, with that extra liability insurance, just in case.....luckily we had no trouble, lots of scares though....if you want to send me info on how to leave a reference, let me know! Marilyn Mason
Subject: Re: Do you have any information?
Date: Sunday, March 14, 1999 1:42 AM
I have been to Costa Rica 3 times. The very last time, I rented a vehicle, which overheated and we had to nurse to Liberia. Unfortunately we had to leave it there (but had notified the rental company and awaited their call for advise). Ex----- Car Rental Co. (now Tall--- FICA) posted the money we owed for the rental on the credit card (plus one day we didn't use) and very quickly posted the deposit of c330,000 colones ($1229.32) to the account as well, even though the car had been returned and accepted. To make a long story short, if our friends in CR had not been as tenacious as they were and if they had not been assisted by their attorney, we would have been another theft story. I can only imagine how many people have been taken advantage by Mr.Exo---Scum-bag. So there you go . . . Thank you again for a reference on a car rental company. My tendency would be to use an american name. What do you think?
Our Reply:
> from Harold <>
> to:
> Subject: Re: Do you have any information on car rental companies reputations
>Date: Sunday, March 14, 1999 11:19 AM
Orbit handled over 2700 reservations last year. We only use the 3 rental car companies out of the 100 or so as I explained to you in last message. We give them so much business that they pay attention immediately to any complaints from us. The complaints have been few and far between but the ones I remember best in last 3 years were as follows.
1.Ants in car---I got an adjustment
2.The tercel had only 4 seat belts not five--could not overcome this one
3.One tourist thought he should only pay for a week although he kept the car 7 days and 8 hours-------given policies in other countries this was ridiculous
4.Several complain about the required insurance but gold cards and amex only reduce or eliminate the deductible here. They do not cover liability although they will pay you back in the states I understand. Unlike most countries the government of costa rica owns the only insurance company here and sets the rules
5.We have yet to have an obvious ripoff similar to yours from any of our rentals although the local english language newspaper lists that as number one complaint of tourists who complain of rip offs
The last question about renting from some company that has an american brand name is a little tricky. Many car rental companies here will use a brand name you are familar with and which may or may not have any connection to the same name american brand name car rental company. Almost without any exception however the rental company here is not a division or branch of any american brand name. One of the companies we use which is absolutely first rate pays for the use of an american brand name but i assure you the ownership is completely separate.
From: Sandy Francis
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: Francis rental 12-26-09
ok thanks. I really appreciate your honesty and not selling us what you do not perceive us to need.
On Dec 16, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Harold - Orbit Costa Rica wrote:
the road west to the airport has a turn off for atenas and orotina marked
once you are in orotina the road to jaco is marked once in jaco the road to quepos manuel antonio is marked
----- Original Message -----From: Sandy Francis
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: Francis rental 12-26-09
Well then, I will get back w/you if we decide to go ahead and get it... We just heard that few roads are marked. We will only be driving to Manuel Antonio.
Thanks for your opinion!
See you soon,
On Dec 14, 2009, at 9:31 PM, Harold - Orbit Costa Rica wrote:
gps is $10 day
it is a MONOPOLY COMPANY in costa rica and we provide this as a service but i think it is over priced
i have never used it nor think it necessary for most people as we provide decent maps with the car rental
----- Original Message -----From: Sandy Francis
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: Francis rental 12-26-09
Hi Harold...
How much would it cost to have gps? I understand that in C.R. that is very important.
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 7:49 AM
Subject: costa rica real estate prices 2008
First, thank you for your hospitality and advice. Also the coffee is a hit. Got back alright but had an 8 hour lay over in Atlanta. The guy who is selling at a 60k discount in Sonesta bought in over 2 years ago and selling at that price if he does, he will still make a big profit., aprox 70k. He can easily afford to sell at that price. He is lucky.My partner at another lot I have got out of his contract with Ramada with all his deposit back as he was involved in sales there so they worked with him. He is also lucky. I'm sure a lot of people are taking it in the rear these days. Again thanks for your sharing knowledge , Things will work out for me fortunately. Have a great day. See you in the future.
Tom Dicoco
From: William Mullins
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Car rental
Dear Harold,
I write to thank you for your help in organizing our Daihatsu Bego reservation in Costa Rica. Everything turned out perfectly, and we finally extended the rental from 7 to 17 days.
Many thanks for your help.
Yours sincerely,
William Mullins P.
Política Económica y Financiera
Ministerio de Hacienda
Teatinos 120, Piso 11
Santiago, Chile
Tel: +56 (2) 473-2029
To: "Harold - Orbit Costa Rica"
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: chofer
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Harold, It worked out perfect. Our driver was excellent, took it slow, stopped as necessary and fue muy simpatico. We enjoyed the car and the flight back was flawless. Both the parador and the villas nicolas were clean, accommodating and lovely accommodations. Although the mansion was far out on the lake in Arenal, we loved it. We also wanted to thank you for the Buenavista, the hotel and owner were very lovely and when we returned from Quepos (plane was flawless), we forgot to let them know about the transfer and they came last minute which I know was a stretch for them since there staff wears multiple hats. Very kind of them. The only incident was at the Hotel Paraiso Arenal where we did the canopy tour. They didn't supply two gloves (which I learned 99 out of 100 canopy tours do), their radio didn't work so they couldn't communicate between zips and I had an accident on the 4th zipline. I burned four fingers badly on the cable and had to stay up there and continue the tour for 90 minutes bleeding and in pain. They attended to me professionally and paid for the doctor once I got down but I couldn't go swim the whole trip which was a bummer when we went hot tubing, sailing and snorkeling (I had to stay out). Not to mention antibioticos, bandages daily ugh.. All in all, I made the wrong choice of companies on that one, but the trip was fabulous. Thank you for everything.
From: hugh pettit <
To: Harold <
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: Car Rental Request
Service was good - no problems. We really didn't need the 4X4 capability, however highly recommend a 4X4 to future customers as the axle clearance allows easier access over the dirt and rock roads. My brother-in-law was with us during part of are visit and had to "crawl" at a very slow speed in a Nissan stationwagon over CR's dirt & rock roads to avoid undercarriage damage
Hugh Pettit
San Francisco
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000
7:49 PM
Subject: vacation
Hi Harold
I would like to thank you for the way you handled all our travel requirements while we visited Costa Rica this winter, all arrangements hotels, car rentals and tours were first rate. We certainly would recommend Orbit to other travelers
Ed Forster
St. Albert Alberta, Canada
From: Susan Degress>
To: harold at orbit>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: Question about hours
**** I'd like add to my original message, and I hope you'll post it to your
website after my reviews of the hotels:
"Harold helped me a great deal by acting as a mediator when I had trouble
with a rentacar company. He was able to work out a deal for me with a
company that tried overcharging me. He went above and beyond the call of
duty, and I would recommend his services to anyone traveling to Costa Rica.
With Harold on your side, you can't go wrong."
Many thanks,
From: Loraw, Ron <>
To: 'harold at orbit' <>
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 8:27 AM
Subject: RE: Car Rental
All of your staff have been very accommodating
through out the entire continuum of my visit.
It has been a pleasurable experience, and I look
forward to seeing you again on my next visit to
Costa Rica which can not be too soon.
Be well.
Thank you,
Ron Loraw
Director Materials Mgmt
1-818-843-5111 X 7090
From: Renee Richardson Kling
To: harold at orbit
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 5:46 AM
Subject: RE: Car Rental in Costa Rica
Car rental went great.
Thank you
Renee Richardson
Richardson Kleiber Walter
635 S. Orange Ave., Suite 16
Sarsota, Fl. 34236
Ph: 941-953-9772
Fax: 941-365-9493
From: Martin Rader
To: harold at orbit
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 4:30 AM
Subject: Re: Car rental
Wonderfully! Seth had no trouble with either the car or the service. He was able to pick up the rental when he needed it. Everyone was courteous, well organized and helpful.
Martin Rader
From: Sandi Resnik
To: harold at orbit
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: reconfirmation of car rental
dear harold,
thanks for your help with our rav4. we had a great time and things went very smoothly with the car.
sandi and bhrian resnik
santa barbara, california
From: "Mike France" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: rental car
Thanx again for your help, had another great trip! Mike
From: Laurent Roux <>
To: harold at orbit <>
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw:
everything went perfect, the car was there at the ferry and we had noproblem
whatsoever driving it to Monteverde and Tamarindo.
Laurent Roux
Embassy of France
French Counsel
88 Kearny Street
San Francisco, California - email
1-415-430-2191 x1223 - voicemail/fax
From: Ron Raymond <>
To: harold at orbit <>
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 6:36 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: car rental
Thank you for your help. Everything went fine while we were in Costa Rica.
Ron Raymond
6880 Rose Acres Lane
Felton, CA 95018 USA
Fax #: 831-335-0628
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2000 2:49 AM
Subject: Feedback
Thank you for organising the requested bookings. The trip was excellent and I really appreciated the Rav 4 advice. I would consider this mandatory for the Monteverde/Arenal route and it made the whole trip more pleasant. Most of the Guanacaste roads could really use a 4 wheel drive too and certainly the more interesting routes. I few little updates. The trip from Arenal to Monteverde is a good 4 hrs and Monteverde to Samara 6 hrs. The Flamingo Marina is NE facing, has no reasonable beach and is a real wind corridor. It is probably OK for a boat mooring, but was not what I was looking for and has seen better days. The beach to the south of the peninsular is very good if anyone is in the area. The El Octol has a dangerous beach and is posted as such, and has neither sunrise not sunset, facing north. The bungalows have bright furnishings, but the ants have made a home in the rooms and turn over would appear to be low, so maintenance is less. The restaurant has a nice terrace, but on this occasion the wind was incredibly strong and took the edge off it. El Sapo Dorado trails are too close to development/farmland to be rich in wildlife, but the location is fine and the new Skywalk through the forest canopy a few to the north km (not in the Monteverde park), even in the torrential rain, is magnificent and a must for anyone in the area. The comments are just to help with advice for others - trip was really good and I thank you again for arranging the bookings.
Regards, Dr. Peter J. Turner
From: Shari S. Kaplan
To: harold at orbit <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: Car Rental
Hi Harold,
I already sent you a note from my home e-mail, however, here goes:
The trip was great. The car worked out very well (albeit over $600 after
insurance) and we were happy we had it for the week. Manual Antonio was the
perfect spot for a family with 2 small kids-we never ran out of things to
do. Costa Rica is a very special country--it is beautiful, the people are
lovely and there is so much to do there. We would definitely return on
another vacation. Thanks for all your help.
Shari Kaplan Shedrofsky
Dear Orbit
Sept. 24
Back to the real world. It was wonderful and Costa Rica is beautiful and the Tulemar was fantastic selection for our honeymoon. The white water rafting and the crocodile tours you selected for us were great with first class guides.
We now completely understand what you meant by being careful about renting cars in Costa Rica and we suggest to anyone who rents a car to have a third party like Orbit there to stand up for the tourists if the rental car company tries to give you a poor quality car.
Thanks for all your help.
Cathy and Rusell Ahern
Haverhill, Massachusetts
P.S. Tulemar was great. Gilbert at the front desk was extremely helpful and pleasant and went out of his way to help us find things. Rooms were perfect and spotless. Tara had view of top of the world. Cathy.
From: Carolyn Swartz
To: harold/orbitcostarica
Date: Wednesday, April 05, 2000
5:45 PM Subject:
Re: March 20th Sorry it's taken me so long.
I still feel like we got back yesterday -- it's just been one very long week of playing catch up. First -- it was great meeting you and thanks very much for your help. We had a great time and no question, we'll be back. Now that I've been there, I realize how much hand-picking you've done -- and how narrowing the field to the really good places is really a valuable service. Each of the places we stayed was really nice. Parador was actually better than I expected. It's really a restful and relaxed atmosphere with the sprawling grounds, the large area by the pool (compared, say, to Mariposa.) If there was a casino or disco, I never saw or heard it. It's in the specs but either it's not in use or not there (which was good.) Needless to say, I was relieved that the place was as low key and disco-less as it was. Xandari is really, really cool and we want to go back. They've really thought of everything. (Apparently, Leona Helmsley is not the only one who believes in plenty of big fluffy towels and terry robes.) You're right -- all we needed was more time. Although Julian started having Nintendo withdrawal symptoms by the end. (I did plan too much road time the first three days -- to Arenal on Day Two, to Manuel Antonio Day Three.) But the drives were plenty gorgeous. Anyway -- we'll be in touch and hope to see you again next year same time. And if you ever need/want to use me as a reference, feel free.
bPictures Production New York City
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 7:09 AM
Subject: RE: rental cars
Harold, the truck was great, nice advice on the Toyota Hilux, what a truck!
Great price also.
You've got yourself a pretty nice country there, great people.
Ted Ferguson
From: Klappauf, Don <>
To: 'harold at orbit' <>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 6:21 AM
Subject: RE: Car Rental - Costa Rica
Everything went great. Got the car with no hassles and the car worked out
well for us. We would certainly use you again.
Don Klappauf
Your assumption is correct it is the American Bar Association.
Have a great Day!
Hola David -
I'll forward this to Harold from in San Jose, CR to get you a good 4wd - it's dry season so the roads and rivers won't be that bad, but the best truck to rent for 2-3 people is the Hilux, for 4 people, the Fourrunner. The Rav4 is a trooper, but has less clearance and smaller tires.
For a surf trip to Witch's, try Carlos or let Orbit contact him. Both can also drop you off for an overnight camping trip.
Other spots south of Tamarindo would be Langosta, where the rivermouth has surf even when it's small. Avellanas is a wide open empty beachbreak with offshore rocks - shallow and hollow at lower tides. And my favorite right point is Playa Negra, about 40 minutes south of Tamarindo. There are other ! spots, too, which you get to discover on your own.
Have a fun trip. Send some pics when you get back!
david wermuth wrote:
yo... me llamo david, and i was checking out your ideas and getting ready for a trip to costa rica in april. you layed out a bunch of beaches to check out, and i am pumped. i am planning on flying into liberia, and driving south to flamingo beach and tamarindo. last time i was in costa rica, i got to rip A SOLID 6-8 FT. SWELL AT TAMARINDO, AND BOdY SURFED SOME MASSIVE CLOSEOUTS AT FLAMINGO. it was awesome. this time i want to check out those spots again, and then a few more. my friend and i just want to cruise the coastline, check out ! waves, and stay in many different places... maybe even a boat trip to witches rock and ollies. i want to camp out on the beach... is this allowed/safe? i also saw you recommend rentals with orbit... we want a four wheel, but nothing fancy. last year i bombed thru a few rivers in a little piece of shit car, and almost stalled the thing. don't want that again. does orbit rent in liberia? or can you help me out there? also, where do you recommend we go after flamingo beach and tamarindo. that is as far south as i know. thanks a lot... gracias amigos...
David (from northern california where the water is muy frio)
From: CJ Conant
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: rental reservation
You might remember me, last February-March I rented a 12-pax Toyota minivan from you guys but I was terribly paranoid about renting from you just because it was over the internet. Furthermore it was my first time to Costa Rica and I had serious concerns about renting a car because of all the horror stories I had heard. When we arrived at the airport everything was in order and when we returned the vehicle there were no surprises about what we owed. Also I am so glad we rented a new vehicle because those roads in Costa Rica do terrible things to vehicles in a short time. The only problem we had was a flat tire which we were able get patched for just three dollars.
Now I am looking to travel to Costa Rica with my wife and I wouldn't feel comfortable renting from anyone else.
Christopher J. Conant
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 6:39 AM
Subject: re[2]: Rental car reservation
Dear Harold,
Everything that you arranged for us worked out great. Thanks for your help.
All the best
Klaus Bierwagen
Dometek Inc.
PO Box 885, 95 Crisci St.
Leominster, MA 01453
Ph: 978-840-8181
Fax: 978-840-8182
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 5:21 AM
Subject: Re: Alquiler 4x4 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER
Sorry you didn't receive it but I sent a note back upon return from our trip.
Our experience with the car rental was excellent. We were picked up perfectly at the airport, were given an excellent car which made our many
miles driven a pleasure, and were quickly and efficiently checked out upon return. I also believe the rate was good compared to cars of similar quality so I thank you much for that. Not much else to say......
Cheers, Ricardo Ramirez
Caracas, Venezuela
From: Ramirez, Ricardo
From: Cheri
To: 'harold/orbitcostarica'
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2000 7:12 PM
Subject: RE: Rentar Auto
Hello Harold!! Thank you for your interest about my experience renting a car with your agency and the Toyota renta Car. I was very happy with the service every one there was very helpful and the service couldn't be better. I will continue to use your services in the future and will recomend to others using your agency. Thank you and it was a pleasure to do business with you.
Sincerely Olman E Alvarado.
Dear Orbit
Many thanks for making our fist trip to Costa Rica a great vacation. The first night at the Rodeo was fine and the accommodations were great. However the real Costa Rica opened up when the Suzuki Sidekick you reserved for us took us to the Tulemar in Manuel Antonio. What a jungle and beach paradise. The ultimate however was back to San Jose in the mountains at the Xandari. The Xandari is not in this world but closer to heaven.
Gary Bauer
201E 86 Street
New York, NY
From: Clive Pinder <
Subject: Thank you
Date: Saturday, January 03, 1998 7:58 PM
A brief note to thank you for helping arrange what has been a wonderful
visit to Costa Rica. The car rental went smoothly and Buena Vista and the
tour were a perfect star. Our trip to Playa Negra was excellent, despite
some excessive winds and poor surf. The Tilawa is a wonderful hotel and the
location excellent.
Harold, I will recommend your service to others.
From: michael mather, cpa <
To: Harold <
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: costa rica
Harold - Thank you for your timely reply.
The car rental was good. No problems with the van which, did indeed, fit all 8 of us plus our luggage. Our one night stay at the Arenal observatory Lodge was great. The volcano was active, billowing smoke, and glowing red after sundown. The hotel staff and restaurant staff were courteous and helpful. The final mile of the drive to the Lodge was a workout for our fully loaded Mazda Van. I would recommend the Lodge to anyone.
The El Ocotal resort was nice...but...I walk with a cane, and I had a very hard time climbing the walkway between the lobby/restaurant and my room. The walk down to the beach was likewise a hard chore. I would not recommend this hotel to anyone with physical disability which effects the ability to walk far distances. This difficulty caused us to leave the Resort one day earlier than planned. The people at the hotel were helpful and courteous.
The Villa Teca Hotel was good fun. We were the only guests there the first night. The friendliness of the Hotel employees during our stay was excellent. would also reccomend this Hotel to future guests. The Manual Antonio area is a very special place.
I am from Phoenix, Arizona, and would gladly recommend your services to all interested parties planning a trip to Costa Rica.
Thank you again... Mike Mather CPA
From: Cawp2 <
Subject: Thanks
Date: Friday, January 02, 1998 12:33 AM
Just returned from Costa Rica this afternoon and wanted to let you know how
smoothly most everything went. As well, you asked for some impressions
Napolean- Accommodations are nice, breakfast was an added bonus.
Pines --- Rustic accommodations, but perfect for our family. Jovino and his
family are a pleasure!
Ocotal - Beautiful! The hotel is in a wonderful location. A little remote for the teenagers - but we had a wonderful time there snorkeling and going into coco.
Buena Vista - Lovely little place - charming gardens, my daughter loved the birds
that abounded, the room large and comfortable! The New Year Party was fun too!
The auto Rental - perfect - everyone was very accommodating.
All in all, you did a great job - and we appreciate your recommendations and
effort. Let me know if you would like any other info.
Wishes for a very happy and healthy New Year
From: <
To: <
Date: Saturday, September 04, 1999 5:56 AM
Subject: thanx
We just returned from a wonderful vacation and wanted to thank you immensely for all of the help you provided. The Buena Vista Hotel was perfect - Ed was there to pick us up at the airport. The Toyota Hi Lux was a perfect vehicle for us - and the price you got for us was well below all of the other places I had priced around for. We really appreciate all of your help, especially your promptness in answering our e-mails. We will definitely recommend you to others.
thanx again,
Shira Werb
From: Kurt Zarwell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 12:50 PM
Subject: Thanks
Hello Harold,
Thanks for the making the auto reservation and for the advice on the Rav 4.
I had a great trip and would recomend your services to anyone. I think its important to have a third party such as yourself to help negotiate if there are any problems. Thanks again and good luck.
From: "Capital Excavation bass" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: Rental Car
Just wanted to thank you for your help. Everything with the RAV 4 rental was great and hassle free.
Craig Bass
From: "Michael Kelen">
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: travel reservations feb 21 to 27
Dear harold,
our trip was outstanding.
your reservations were flawless.
we appreciated your advice about avoiding san jose,and staying in the middle
of a coffee plantation at the buena vista.
our car was so new it did not even have its licence plates yet.
finally villa blanca was so beautiful.good recommendation.
with many thanks
From: Martin Pryor
To: harold at orbit
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: car
Thank you for facillitating our rental car. We got a diesel Landcruiser Prado 4x4. The entire rental procees went like clockwork, something that is not always the case when dealing over long distances with strangers, especially in Latin America (not to cast any aspersions on Costa Rica, which in all my past experiences, never seems to fit any negative stereotypes.) The truck performed perfectly in the fairly remote region south of Dominical, where reliability is so important. We were entirely satisfied and will contact you first next time we visit Costa Rica, which I hope will be soon!
Martin Pryor
From: Jim McCullough
To: Harold
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 2:45 PM
Subject: Customer Service
My husband and I rent our vehicle from you every year for one month. Over the years we have been very pleased with the monthly rental rate and the condition of your vehicles.
Yesterday, we returned our car and as the drive from Tamarindo took longer than expected, we were afraid we would miss our flight, however, we received fast, efficient service and were taken to the airport in plenty of time. While standing in the Air Canada line one of your staff (unfortunately, I didn't get his name), asked if I was Heather Roney after confirming, he handed me my digital camera, which, of course, contained all of our holiday pictures. I had left the camera in the car in our hurry to get to the airport.
I would like to thank the staff very much for the excellent service and we will certainly recommend you to everyone we know travelling to Costa Rica. People like you make visiting your country wonderful!
Thanks again,
Heather Roney and Jim McCullough
From: mester
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Cc: mark shoemaker
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 10:07 AM
Subject: testimonial
Harold, here is that testimonial that I have been putting off for these
past few months.... the Ironhorse Saloon and Restaurant , Medora, North
Dakota, 58645 Tel. 701-623-9894 or 701-575-4129 (web site soon, end of
May) Mr. and Mrs. Harold (and the irrepresible Ada, the maid), This to
thank you, angela, Ada, and all your collection of friends and associates
who have made my, my friends, and families many visits over the past five
years extremely enjoyable and interesting... In particular, the trip over
the Christmas Holidays this past year with my 15 year old daughter Haley
was most rewarding.. We both appreciated and enjoyed the christmas eve
party with your friends and family. Although we were from the outside we
were made to feel quite welcome.. I still get a chill out of remembering
Gary Viehe (who was on the Arthur Godrey Show as a kid) singing the solo
christmas carol. During our two week Christmas rest of the Costa Rican
experience, we were faced with a dental emergency that turned out to be a
rather pleasant experience, considering the circumstances). Through the
advise of Angela, we contacted Dr. Zuria Gonazales, in Escazu. Dr.
Gonzales was highly professional, efficient, patience, accessable,
professional, and charmingly personable.. So much so we returned in
April to get caps put on the three teeth that needed the root canals in
December... and will return for a visit in October.... In closing, for
anyone who needs to have travel, tourist, or any other assistance
connected to most anything in Costa Rica, I heartly recommend the
services of Orbit Travel for both efficiency and a personal touch.
Mark E. Shoemaker
JULY 20, 2005
This is to thank your for your invaluable assistence in planning my first ever trip to Costa Rica, a country whose natural wonders are unsurpassed in my experience. Your entensive knowledge made the trip far better than I could have anticipated. I really enjoyed your invitation to dine at the Mancu Picchu restaurant with you and your wife.
Sincerely, Frank Scheck
From: langner
To: 'Harold - Orbit Costa Rica'
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2004 12:40 AM
Subject: RE: Car Rental
Kind Sir –
Our holiday in Costa Rica went flawlessly.
From Cahuita to Tamarindo – we saw so much, enjoyed so many new things, and thoroughly appreciated the many ticos and ticas we encountered.
I cannot thank you enough for convincing us we would need a vehicle with high ground clearance. While we never went off-road, we did travel 100 km over rough gravel roads.
Thank you, Thank you
And Merry Christmas
Paul Langner
From: James Burkette
To: 'Harold - Orbit Costa Rica'
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 2:14 PM
Subject: RE: Automobile Rental
Thank you so much! Land Cruiser is/was super! The ladies at the agency were great! I will always contact you exclusively when in C.R. Merry Christmas/Mele Kalekemaka; Aloha Jim.
From: Sohail Qamar
To: Harold - Orbit Costa Rica
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 6:56 AM
Subject: Just returned
Hi Harold:
Just wanted to say Thank You once again for your assistance in helping us visit Costa Rica. We just returned and had a wonderful trip thanks to your suggestions.
The Highlights Tour was fantastic and a great way to get acclimated to the country in a short period of time. We especially enjoyed the Coffee Plantation. Hotel Buena Vista was simple, but very nice, clean....we actually found the restaurant there to be one of the better ones we ate at during our stay.
We stayed at the Mar Verde at Manuel Antonio; again, a simple hotel, but we loved the proximity to the beach; it was clean and the front desk staff were very personable. We took the Jet Ski tour w/snorkeling and it was not to be missed! We have jet-skiied before, but this was well worth taking.
Again, a huge thank-you for your honest assistance. We have already recommended you to some of our German friends who hope to visit in 2007.
Kim and Sohail Qamar
I just wanted to let you know how great things turned out on my recent trip
to Costa Rica from 8/14/04 to 8/23/04.
When I arrived at the airport, the company you used to book my 4x4 rental,
the agent was waiting just as you said outside at the curb. They wasted no
time in getting my luggage into the airport van and taking me to their
office not more than 5 minutes from the airport. This, as you indicated
saved me from any airport concourse charges. When I arrived at the office,
they told me they were unable to offer the vehicle I had originally
requested, a Toyota RAV 4, because the demand this season for 4x4's had been
so high and some tourists had not returned cars on time. This at first
concerned me, as I had visions of being outfitted with a substandard 4x4. I
had spent a fair
amount of time prior to the trip looking at vehicles on the internet that
were offered and had settled on the RAV 4 as my best option, both for price
and purpose, considering it was the rainy season. My fears disappeared when
they pointed to the vehicle they would be renting me.
It was a 2004 Toyota Land Cruiser with only 11,000 kilometers on it. Before
I could ask, they informed me it would be for the exact same price you and I
had talked about, $49/day even though it was normally a higer price for the
Land Cruiser.
The vehicle was a manual 4x4 that was exceptionally clean. It was 4.0 liter
diesel which made a huge difference at the pump, as diesel is both cheaper
and more economical and very powerful for driving through the mountains, on
the beaches or when crossing the streams and rivers as some of the bridges
were under construction along my travel route. It had ample space for my
needs, with two folding benches in the back and a 3:1 split for the rear
door, making packing and unpacking a breeze. As I logged over 1500km's on
my trip, having a CD player was perfect, an item I don't believe was
available in my original vehicle request. With all the traveling, over
challenging roads at times, I never once had a problem with the performance
of the vehicle.
The crew were helpful, polite and very professional. They explained the
details of the rental agreement thoroughly, taking extra time to explain the
insurance, etc. when I inquired. I've traveled to many other countries
before, but this was the first trip
renting a vehicle and traveling solo, but at no time was I apprehensive
about the process.
After signing the necessary papers, they provided me with two detailed maps
of the country and clear directions on how to get out of the city. I was on
my way in no time, only spending about 40 to 50 minutes signing papers and
looking over the vehicle.
The return was even easier than the pick-up. I had decided to return the
Land Cruiser a day earlier than expected which didn't pose a problem. They
were clear in showing me the reduced cost in returning the car early. When
I originally picked up the vehicle they looked over it, documenting any
prior damage so I wouldn't be charged for it. It wasn't until I had left
the city that I noticed a small ding in the drivers side windshield. When I
returned the vehicle, they noticed the ding. I explained that it had been
there prior to renting it and they had probably missed it on the initial
evaluation. I was concerned I might be charged for it, but they wasted no
time in conferring with one of the other employee's who confirmed it had
been there prior to my rental.
I would not hesitate to use your service again. In fact, I plan to return
to Costa Rica in
the future and will be using your company. My sister is currently planning
a trip to Costa Rica and I've already given her your contact information.
In a world where deception is the rule rather than the exception, it has
been rather refreshing to find someone who still believes in providing
honest and exceptional service at an affordable price.
Thank you for the memorable experience.
Aaron T. Peters M.D.
Oakland, California
Reprinted from Tico Times, San Jose, Costa Rica, October 2, 1998 Business and Finance Section
Sabre, the worlds largest computerized travel reservation system, is coming to Costa Rica in a brand new way. Sabre's Robert Cole, Director of Hospitality, in a recent trip to Costa Rica, his first, described the new system which will be operational by the end of the year.
Sabre will use the services of a local Internet-based travel operator Orbit Travel. Orbit will handle the day to day dealings with the hotels themselves, to make sure the lodgings meet standards, follow through with guest reservations, and do any troubleshooting.
Sabre is a publicly traded company althought 82% of its shares are held by American Airlines which developed the Sabre system.
dear harold,
may i have your assistance again .i am returning to costa rica-this time with my wife,
rather than my daughter.
The Hon. Michael A. Kelen
Federal Court
Trial Division
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H9
From: "Michael Kelen">
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: travel reservations feb 21 to 27
Dear harold,
our trip was outstanding.
your reservations were flawless.
we appreciated your advice about avoiding san jose,and staying in the middle
of a coffee plantation at the buena vista.
our car was so new it did not even have its licence plates yet.
finally villa blanca was so beautiful.good recommendation.
with many thanks
From: "Mike France" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: costa rica rental car
last time I was in Nosara and was involved in a minor accident (go figure in Costa) and AMEX told me that the damage waiver included was only valid in the continental US,Canada and 100 miles into Mexico that little bump cost me $ turn the car in. But thanx for the explanation on the rate. Mike
Orbit advice: we absolutely want you to get the discount on insurance for using any regular american express card or gold or platinum visa, mc but we know from long experience the credit card companies sometimes make life difficult and they will only cover collission not liability in Costa Rica mastercard depending on what bank issues the card will only cover 2 weeks maximum on the collision so if you rent for more than 2 weeks you have to get our agent who delivers car to call them and verify how long they will cover when you take delivery of car usually amex does not pull this type of problem like this client experienced one other thing driver slower in costa rica than you do in the states or europe : the slower you go the more wildlife you see on the road
Dear Harold:
Just a note to thank you for informing us about the fishing boat and the accommodations in Golfito, Costa Rica. Our trip went extremely well as all reservations and accommodations were better than expected. We especially enjoyed the boat we fished on for three (3) days. The boat was called the Happy Hooker. It is probably one of the most beautiful, well equipped boats we have ever fished from. We were especially pleased with the Captain and his crew. They were all very friendly, accommodating, and knowledgeable. The fishing was great also. If you see the crew of the Happy Hooker any time soon, please give them our regards and tell them we look forward to fishing with them again in the near future.
Thanks again,
Bob Valenzuela
Graphic Consultants INC.
16011 Parthenia St.
North Hills, California, USA
August 8, 1999
Joseph J. Joyce
Vice President
And Associate General Counsel
PO BOX 025216
MIAMI, FLA 33102
As per the instructions from Harold at Orbit, I am enclosing a cashier's check for $300 payable to you for the following reservation.
Private bus to pick up on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 upon arrival in San Jose at 8:36 on Continental flight 779. Transfer of the Joyce party of 6 persons to Nosara, Costa Rica.
Please advise where they will meet the bus at airport.
Dottie Adolfson,
Secretary to Joseph Joyce
August 19, 1999
From: Susanna Macomb
To: harold/orbitcostarica
Date: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 6:03 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: macomb
You know your stuff. I checked with American Airlines in NY and the price was $800 round trip. I check a local consolidator in NY and they wanted $619 with no discount for our 8 year old. Your price of $584 for adults and $472 for our son was the best by far for tickets on American.
From: Susanna Macomb
To: Harold at Orbit
Date: Saturday, January 06, 2001 11:09 AM
Subject: Hello and Thank You!
Hello Harold
We just want to thank you for our dramatic and spectacular trip to Costa
Rica. It really felt as if we visited 5 different countries. The view
from The Mariposa reminded us of the Amalfi Coast of Italy. The Buena
Vista and the coffee plantations reminded us a bit of the hills of
Tuscany---coffee versus vineyards. The beach at Manuel Antonio was
reminiscent of the Caribbean but with monkeys, sloths and iguanas in the
background! Tortuguero was exotic yet peaceful---straight out of a
Tarzan movie. This was for us new and unique. There were other times
while driving through the clouded mountains or visiting a volcano or on
a boat through the mangroves when we felt as if we were in Tibet or
Vietnam. The diversity in your region of the world is amazing--in
landscape--weather--flora--fauna--animal life and ethnic population.
We loved all our hotels except the Camino Real. It felt like Houston,
Texas (not Costa Rica!) and it was inconvenient to boot. Though, we
must admit that the food is good there. Costa Ricans--Ticos are lovely,
gentile people--very accommodating as well.
We enjoyed you and your colorful stories.
If you ever need something from the remember Edward is in
the export business with employees who specialize in South America.
And yes, they do speak Spanish!
Best to you,
And thanks again---it was really memorable.
Susanna, Edward and Adam Macomb
P.S. 6:00 am on January 2nd-- the day we were leaving---we opened the
curtains in our hotel room to usher in the daylight. There stood a
glorious double arched rainbow.
Not a bad way to start the year! We shall take it as a sign of hope and
From: Nick Fogler
Date: Friday, March 02, 2001 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: Drop off charge...
Can confirm that the $50 was credited to my account on the 27th. Thanks
again for your follow up. Will not hesitate to recommend.
Cheers, Nick
On Sat, 24 February 2001, "Harold at Orbit" wrote:
i have spoken with the director of the rental car co
not only does he agree that we have it in writing that the chrage was $30
but he claims a service person got fired for this
as well as reversing the $50 on your card
only you can tell us if this is true
we rely on feedback positive or negative to know that our promises are not
when you recieve this credit on next bill we would appreciate your writing
immediately since we will want to use you as proof we do keep our
-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Fogler
Date: Saturday, February 17, 2001 1:12 PM
Subject: Drop off charge...
Hi Harold,
We returned our rental car on the 15th as planned, but they charged us $80
for the drop off charge - $50 more than you said it would be. They said
there was nothing they could do. I'm obviously a little upset, as the
overall price ended up being significantly higher than promised, and we
booked through you largely because it looked like a good deal. Anything you
can do?
Thanks, Nick
From: Edward Gorman jr. <>
To: Harold at Orbit <>
Date: Saturday, March 17, 2001 9:16 AM
Please feel free to use me for reference as it was most helpful to not have to leave a non-refundable deposit when we had no idea if we would be able to make the flight. But that is the downside to traveling for free. YOU WENT BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY TO HELP US GET THE 4 RUNNER AND THE SERVICE WAS GOOD AND THE CAR WAS IN GOOD CONDITION AS PROMISED . Once again thanks for your help.
Ed Gorman
From: C. Maffia
Date: Thursday, September 09, 1999 9:04 PM
Subject: Wayne/Skelton Honeymoon couple
Hi Harold,
Just wanted to say that my clients loved your country and had wonderful things to say about nicola and the orbit bus pass program.
I really appreciate all the time and PATIENCE you took with me in trying to GET TO KNOW YOU thousands of miles away and your willingness to share phone numbers so I could check references. I will spread the word about the Orbit bus program to my other 200 agent friends.
Thanks again for all your help.
Linda Maffia
Inhouse Travel
dba Cradle Travel
6192 Johnston Road
Albany N.Y. 12203
From: James Miller <>
To: harold <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 7:46 PM
Subject: thanks for your help
Dear Harold,
Many thanks for your help in arranging a rental car and a place to stay on
my first trip to your beautiful country. The car was brand new and the price
was good. All in all, a great vacation, and everthing went smoothly- no
And especially, thanks for your indispensible advice conerning property
purchase in Costa Rica. You gave me a boat load of information on where (and
where not) to look for property and the three days of tours around the
central valley taught me more about the market there than I could have
learned in months on my own. And thanks for putting me in contact with
excellent professional help (notary and
engineer). With the many surprising ins and outs of dealing in real estate
in Costa Rica, I would strongly recommend your program as essential to
anyone seriously interested in investing in property there.
I'll be back!
Thanks again,
James Miller
Professor of Physics
Lexington, Massachusetts
From: Bob Frieden <>
To: Harold at Orbit <>
Date: Thursday, March 08, 2001 6:55 PM
Subject: RE: Car rental
Everything went well. Costa Rica is a beautiful country filled with very
nice people.
The car rental people were very helpful and professional and the land
cruiser was what we needed. I will recommend you to my friends and would be
happy to serve as a reference.
Thanx for your help.
From: David A. Williams, Communication Advisor
To: harold at orbit
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: 2 weeks
Thanks so much for suggesting the five fabulous tours: a great introduction to your beautiful country. Thanks again for being there when we needed you and for setting up the car for the week. It was perfect. We went back to the Buena Vista for our last night--a beautiful spot with lovely people who gave us many great suggestions for our car tour.
We will recommend you to our friends and will certainly contact you for our next visit.
Cheers, David and Gail Williams, Tucson<?smaller>
Dr.David A. Williams
Communication Department
University of Arizona
From: Martin, Mark E.
To: 'Harold at Orbit'
Date: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 9:29 AM
Subject: RE: Confirmed Reservation -- Toyota Land Cruiser
Harold -- Just returned from Costa Rica. Your people were very
accommodating. The Land Cruiser had enough luggage space (barely) remember
we had seven passengers-- and the automatic transmission was helpful for us.
Thanks. Mark Martin
Sidley and Austin
This e-mail is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is
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Dear Harold at Orbit:
We have just arrived back from Costa Rica. WE LOVED IT! The country, the culture, the people, just about everything! We had a simply wonderful time. We would like to thank you for all your travel arrangments and advice. Everything went so smoothly. We will certainly recommend you to all our friends etc. It won't be long before we come back to Costa Rica. Meanwhile, thank you once again for helping us have a "perfect" vacation.
The Orbit Costa Rica private bus transfers worked perfectly. The drivers were always on time, (never a minute late)! They were courteous and very helpful and extremely good drivers, which is difficult on Costa Rica roads. Although not many of the drivers spoke English, it did not matter as the voucher system worked marvellously. The vehicles were usually mini-buses and often than not, we were the only passengers. The only thing we could fault, was that the air-conditioning in the vehicles, did not function very well. It did not bother us, as there was plenty of ventilation from the open windows.
When we arrived at our hotel the first night, the driver of the interbus gave us a booklet of vouchers for all the hotels, travel arrangements and tours (we obviously signed a credit card receipt). The vouchers stated the dates, destinations and pick-up times, so no money was exchanged for the entire trip (except for tips, which may I add was not expected from any of the drivers or guides). My husband and I travel all the time - all over the world, so we are used to delays, hiccups etc., and a lot of our trips have been "first class" travel too, (Jack is President of a Swedish Company, so his job necessitates a lot of traveling). We have never been on a trip that was so well organized, everything ran like clockwork! Please do not hesitate to use us as a reference, at any time. If we can be of further help, just let us know.
Kind regards,
Lorraine & Jack Beagley
PS - Yes, we are British and living in Danbury, CT.
From: CHRISTISON,PAM (A-FtCollins,ex1)
To: 'harold/orbitcostarica'
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2000 6:12 AM
Yes, the cheapest I could find plane tickets was about $800. But I got them from the consolidator you recommended for $550. I mailed the cashier's check this morning for the hotel reservations. Will you let me know when our reservations are confirmed? Thanks--
From: Lynn Clark
Date: Monday, October 16, 2000 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: Change in reservation #5173
Thanks for arranging Buena Vista for 19th while holding it on the 16th. We just need one more day to find out if Arenal can take us on the 16th. I really don't mind making the drive that night , and I don't want to have to drive 3 hours to Arenal and then 4 hours to Monteverde in just one day. We booked both Arenal and Monteverde with Albert of Travelnet and I have found this company a complete disaster. Wish there was someway to warn others not to use them. But even though I contacted the hotels directly, the answers came from them. So I guess some hotels don't deal with customers directly. Travelnet does not allow for any alterations in the initial stages of planning a trip. That seems so crazy to me. It is hard enough to plan such an adventure as this without ironing out some wrinkles. You and your company do business in the way we do here and I have found you terrific to work with. I just wish I had used only you from the very start. Live and learn. I will be back in touch on Wednesday.
Thanks for everything. Lynn Clark
From: "Scott Brane" <>
To: "'Harold - Orbit Costa Rica'" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:59 AM
Subject: RE: rental
The service was excellent. In fact, it was my best rental experience in
Costa Rica. The Toyota 4 runner was excellent and trouble free. When we
first arrived and picked up the car I noticed the tires were kind of worn
down and I had some worries about driving it for a month this way. I asked
them to change the tires and mechanic agreed they needed to be changed. I
left the car for less than one hour and came back to a vehicle with new
tires. Thanks again for the great rental experience.
Date: Monday, June 26, 2000 6:36 AM
Subject: rio sierrpe package
I wanted to let you know I had a great time in Costa Rica and appreciate all you did to help make the trip happen. I couldn't believe how smoothly everything went!! I also wanted to pass on my compliments to Mike at Rio Sierrpe Lodge. He organized wonderful tours for us, and the food and accommodations were great He was especially helpful in suggesting an alternative tour for me and Louis. Being three months pregnant, I didn't want to do an overly strenuous hike or attempt a dangerous boat landing. He was able to accommodate our needs perfectly. Instead of attempting to land at the rocky Corcovado Park entrance, we went to San Joselito and spent the day there snorkeling and hiking. We had a lot of fun and our tour guide and boat captain were both excellent. Cańo Island was also beautiful.
Thanks again for all your efforts. Adele
From: Minnig, Cliff Jr.
To: 'Harold'
Date: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 10:50 AM
Subject: RE: Vacation
Hello Harold,
Yes, we booked last year with you also......and will again next year why not, your service and knowledge is superb.
Have sent the fax with the credit card info
From: Ben Mull
To: Orbit Costa Rica
Date: Friday, June 16, 2000 9:08 AM
Subject: Buena Vista
Hi Harold, back in the ole' USA!
The hotel was great. They have color TV's now with some channels off of a satellite dish. We got to watch game 4 in the lounge. Andre, Victor, and Ivan are all real nice and several "little" things are included that make them look like they really try for that customer service. Free taxi to the airport (both ways), just about anything on the breakfast menu for free if you stay for a few days, and they even upgraded our room for no additional charge just because I asked!! GREAT PLACE. wish it were closer to the business appointments we need.
New Orleans
Hi there!
I just wanted to write a brief note and let you know how impressed my wife and I were with your service while in Costa Rica. We had a wonderful time in Guanacaste at the resort you recommended. After coming back to San Jose, when we had problems with our hotel, you immediately arranged for accomodations at a lovely downtown hotel and made sure that all of our transportation needs were taken care of professionally. Your service and ability to quickly get things done in this country are impressive. Further, your suggestion of the tour turned out to be one of the highlights of our trip. Thank you for helping us have a terrific time in Costa Rica - we''ll be back.
David J. Moraine Attorney at Law
419 South Carroll, Second Floor
Denton, Texas 76201
Hey Harold
I looked at your website & one of your customer letters was actually a business friend from California !! What a coincidence ! So, I guess this is a sign that I need to rent from you !
The folks I knew on the list were the Resniks from Santa Barbara. They own 2 Relax the Back Stores in that area & I own the Relax the Back Store in Memphis TN.
We see each other each year at our national conference.
Regards -- Chris
The other day I was playing bridge on the MSN game room and some fellow at the table said are you the orbit guy from costa rica. I said yes but how did he know since you just use nicknames on the MSN. He said he had visted our site since some bridge friend in costa rica told him about it.
It is a small world after all. What most people do not know is Jeff Bezos founder of Amazon taught me about the internet in 1992 about 5 months before i decided to retire to Costa Rica long before he dreamed up Amazon.
Date: Thursday, March 02, 2000
7:49 PM
Subject: vacation
Hi Harold
I would like to thank you for the way you handled all our travel requirements while we visited Costa Rica this winter, all arrangements hotels, car rentals and tours were first rate. We certainly would recommend Orbit to other travelers
Ed Forster
St. Albert Alberta, Canada
Date: Saturday, June 05, 1999 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: FABULOUS!
Sorry so tardy in replying to your mail. Our trip on the Perfect Hooker was without fail one of the best fishing charters. Captain Yens and crew were extremely helpful, accomodating, and knowledgeable. We fish the Florida Gulf and Atlantic quite a bit and were very please with this charter. The vessel was beyond expectations and we were all very pleased with our catch. Hope to return another time to go for Marlin and/or Tuna.
Our visit to Costa Rica was fabulous! We hope to return very soon. The car rental company was very helpful and convenient, and provided no problems coming or going. Our only complaint was that we did not have enough time to do everything.
Thank you for your help and advice. We were very impressed at how easy everything was. You will be the first that I contact on our return trip.
Thank you, Thank you!!!!
Susan and Edward Epp
Tallahassee, FL
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2000 2:49 AM
Subject: Feedback
Thank you for organising the requested bookings. The trip was excellent and I really appreciated the Rav 4 advice. I would consider this mandatory for the Monteverde/Arenal route and it made the whole trip more pleasant. Most of the Guanacaste roads could really use a 4 wheel drive too and certainly the more interesting routes. I few little updates. The trip from Arenal to Monteverde is a good 4 hrs and Monteverde to Samara 6 hrs. The Flamingo Marina is NE facing, has no reasonable beach and is a real wind corridor. It is probably OK for a boat mooring, but was not what I was looking for and has seen better days. The beach to the south of the peninsular is very good if anyone is in the area. The El Octol has a dangerous beach and is posted as such, and has neither sunrise not sunset, facing north. The bungalows have bright furnishings, but the ants have made a home in the rooms and turn over would appear to be low, so maintenance is less. The restaurant has a nice terrace, but on this occasion the wind was incredibly strong and took the edge off it. El Sapo Dorado trails are too close to development/farmland to be rich in wildlife, but the location is fine and the new Skywalk through the forest canopy a few to the north km (not in the Monteverde park), even in the torrential rain, is magnificent and a must for anyone in the area. The comments are just to help with advice for others - trip was really good and I thank you again for arranging the bookings.
Regards, Dr. Peter J. Turner
From: Ryan Herbst
Date: October 15, 1998
To: Costa Rica Travel Network
Dear Harold:
I hope you are doing well. I am sure you will recall my last visit last year, when my Peruvian wife had problems with her passport and you graciously provided time and help. It was hard for me to believe North Americans like me can enter Costa Rica with just a drivers license and South Americans need a visa.
We are again planning a trip to Costa Rica, this time with another couple and would love to have you assist us once again.
Hope all is well,
Ryan Herbst
Computer Exchange
Voted "Best Computer Store" 1997 Houston Press Readers Poll
From: hugh pettit
To: Harold
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: Car Rental Request
Service was good - no problems. We really didn't need the 4X4 capability, however highly recommend a 4X4 to future customers as the axle clearance allows easier access over the dirt and rock roads. My brother-in-law was with us during part of are visit and had to "crawl" at a very slow speed in a Nissan stationwagon over CR's dirt & rock roads to avoid undercarriage damage
Hugh Pettit
San Francisco
From: French, Martin V LCDR
To: 'harold/orbitcostarica'
Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2000
11:27 PM Subject: RE: Honeymoon
[French, Martin V LCDR]
Harold, LCDR is Lieutenant Commander. I fly with Fighter Squadron 11(F-14 squadron). We're currently deployed in the Persian Gulf with the USS Eisenhower. It's been hard trying to fly combat missions in the morning,land, get to a computer and try to arrange matters for the honeymoon. But, you've made it a breeze. Rental cars- We'd like to reserve a Toyota Corolla.
OK on the Mariposa.
Looking forward to meeting Ed at the Buena Vista since you told me he is retired navy man.
From: Ben Vaughn
To: harold at orbit costa rica rental car
Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008
3:52 PM
Subject: Ben's Referrals
Hello Harold, Harold, I have appreciated working with you during these years. My real estate business is slow and I'm now looking towards my web sites to generate some cash for me. I'm in survival mode. Its been a pleasure working with you.
All the best,
Ben Vaughn / Uvita Costa Rica
San Buenas Golf Resort Partner
Webmaster /
From: Gail Schauer
Date: July 29, 1998
Thanks so much. All is well. Wonderful country. Loved the volcano and the cloud forest. All the people we met with were very helpful and firendly. You are quite knowledgeable of the country and you can use my recommendation.
University of Tulsa
From: wiendert hensen
Date: Friday, March 10, 2000 6:00 AM
Subject: Re:reference
From: JL
Date: Saturday, December 11, 1999 5:56 PM
Subject: Hello Hey - voice from the past.
Had to come back to the United States to produce television show on National Rodeo Finals. They conclude tomorrow. Looks like my friend Dick Arlett wants to do the "Holiday In Costa Rica" show. I have told him about you and your program. May want to talk to you about names, places etc. If all goes as planned we will try to come for preproduction meetings soon after Christmas. Since MartinAir is one of our sponsor will be coming down with them. Think that we may have lots to talk about. Really missing Costa Rica. I hate the cold. Let me know that you get this and I will call you. Take care. I appreciate all the advice you gave me while I was in Costa Rica the year I spent there.
Jerry Landreth.
(This gentleman was the former publicity advisor for Huphert Humprey and worked in the White House Travel Office for Jimmny Carter)
To Orbit
From Gordon Duncan
55 Water Street
By the way everything was as promised, Costa Rica is a beautiful country and I met many people who were quite charming. I will return gladly and will use Orbit again.
Stewart Freeman
Managing Director - Gotham Health Group
American Society of Bariatric Physicians
267 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York
Dear Orbit Travel of Costa Rica
Many thanks for helping me before and during my first visit to Costa Rica. Your system is great and your insight and instructions were a great time saver. It was impossible for me to understand before my arrival how important your information was in my vacation satisfaction. The tour you gave me was fantastic and I now have a real impression of what you mean when you state that Costa Rica is a mix of the third and first world and how easy it is to get lost without a professional guidance.
I will be coming back soon and bringing a friend.
Stewart Freeman
Dear Orbit
Sept. 24
Back to the real world. It was wonderful and Costa Rica is beautiful and the Tulemar was fantastic selection for our honeymoon. The white water rafting and the crocodile tours you selected for us were great with first class guides.
We now completely understand what you meant by being careful about renting cars in Costa Rica and we suggest to anyone who rents a car to have a third party like Orbit there to stand up for the tourists if the rental car company tries to give you a poor quality car.
Thanks for all your help.
Cathy and Rusell Ahern
Haverhill, Massachusetts
P.S. Tulemar was great. Gilbert at the front desk was extremely helpful and pleasant and went out of his way to help us find things. Rooms were perfect and spotless. Tara had view of top of the world. Cathy.
From: Carolyn Swartz
To: harold/orbitcostarica
Date: Wednesday, April 05, 2000
5:45 PM Subject:
Re: March 20th Sorry it's taken me so long.
I still feel like we got back yesterday -- it's just been one very long week of playing catch up. First -- it was great meeting you and thanks very much for your help. We had a great time and no question, we'll be back. Now that I've been there, I realize how much hand-picking you've done -- and how narrowing the field to the really good places is really a valuable service. Each of the places we stayed was really nice. Parador was actually better than I expected. It's really a restful and relaxed atmosphere with the sprawling grounds, the large area by the pool (compared, say, to Mariposa.) If there was a casino or disco, I never saw or heard it. It's in the specs but either it's not in use or not there (which was good.) Needless to say, I was relieved that the place was as low key and disco-less as it was. Xandari is really, really cool and we want to go back. They've really thought of everything. (Apparently, Leona Helmsley is not the only one who believes in plenty of big fluffy towels and terry robes.) You're right -- all we needed was more time. Although Julian started having Nintendo withdrawal symptoms by the end. (I did plan too much road time the first three days -- to Arenal on Day Two, to Manuel Antonio Day Three.) But the drives were plenty gorgeous. Anyway -- we'll be in touch and hope to see you again next year same time. And if you ever need/want to use me as a reference, feel free.
bPictures Production New York City
From: Donald A. McFarlane
Date: Thursday, February 03, 2000 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: Car Rentals
Great. Thanks.
Looks like you offer a great service (I've done this trip for a number of years and this seems the most painless vehicle rental yet!)Donald A. McFarlane
Associate Professor of Biology W. M. Keck Science Center The Claremont Colleges, 925 North Mills Avenue, Claremont CA 91711-5916
ph: (909) 607 2564
fx: (909) 621 8588
Extinct Mammals of the West Indies
From: James H Morse
To: <>
Date: Sunday, March 25, 2001 11:35 AM
Subject: thanks for lots of good advice
Hi Harold,
Lorraine and I returned home two days ago from our great adventure to Costa Rica.
You were right about renting the car, it really made our trip great. We had heard lots
of negative reports about the horror of driving in Costa Rica that we had felt that we
wanted to be escorted the first time visiting. It wasn't necessary at all. We are
experienced travelers and I've driven some of the worst places in the world, so Costa
Rica didn't pose too much of a problem.
We did get a new car as promised and had no problem with the mechanical nature of
the car at all and after awhile I gained great confidence in driving the roads, even the
Quepos to Dominical road. It was more dusty than anything. So, having the car did
give us the freedom to stop and go places we wouldn't have done on a planned tour.
Following is an assessment of my feelings about the hotels:
Buena Vista - An excellent hotel. The staff is very efficient and very pleasant.
Andre, the manager and the rest of the waiters, Wilson, Victor and Alan
treated us great. We became very friendly with all of them and this
made our stay more fun. The hotel is spotlessly clean and everything
works properly. The view was great and it was a pleasure being up and
out of the city. I would use this hotel as my first and last hotel on an
itinerary, since it is close to the airport and provides complimentary
airport transport. The food was excellent and service great.
Tilawa - Located in a great spot with a commanding view of the Lake arenal and
has lots of wildlife there. However, this hotel was in rundown condition.
The swimming pool was not working during our stay and who knows if it
is fixed at this time or if it ever will be. It appears that the owner has not put any
money into maintainace and repairs. The place needs a new paint job, the
room curtains look as if they are original and ten years old, the grounds need
some upkeep. It is a shame because this hotel is located in a beautiful nature
spot. The few employees who are on the staff did a nice job. The food was
very good and the menu was extensive. Andreas the manager was very
efficient and helped us with lots of things to make our trip in this area good.
The hotel was o.k. for me and my wife but i would never bring a group to this
Villa Teca - This hotel was a most pleasant surprise. The photo on your website shows
only one cabina close up, so a viewer has no idea of how nice the gardens are
or how beautiful the restaurant is and the swimming pool set amongst the gardens.
I took several photos of this excellent hotel and i would supply one for you to replace
the one you have now. The rooms were real nice and clean. The cabinas have been recently
repainted different colors from your photograph. The swimming pools are both sparkling
and set nicely into the lush gardens. We loved the restaurant with its thatched style
and open sides that give a nice view into the gardens. The whole area is nicely lit at
night giving a very festive look. The entire staff here was very efficient and pleasant
and we enjoyed talking with them and making friends. The birds and animals are around
the gardens and surrounding jungle and the owner feeds the monkeys bananas in the
as an added attraction. I will absolutely use this hotel for a group.
Villas Blanca - Another very pleasant surprise. This is a very nice hotel with the small cabinas
set into lush gardens and situated right into the cloud forest with plenty of birds and
animals. this hotel was very busy with tour groups of birders and nicely run. The food
was very good and the hotel staff pleasant. I would also use this hotel for a group photo
tour. Good value and great location for pictures.
Villa Rio Mar - We loved this place. It lived up to the great photos on your website. The cabinas were very nice with the thatch roofs, bamboo interior and teak wood railings. The netting gives a nice romantic touch to the porch. The swimming pool is sparkling clean and huge. The gardens were beautiful and lush with lots of birds flying about. The restaurant was great with the same ambiance as the Villa Teca and a very pleasant staff. I complimented the chef twice while I was there for outstanding meals and the waiters and waitresses for excellent service. The reception people were very helpful and I would absolutely bring a tour group here
I took 35 rolls of slides on this tour. Costa Rica is very scenic and has such abundant wildlife that it is a dream place for people who like to take pictures.
Thanks for all your help in setting up this tour Harold and it was nice to hear your voice.
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 7:49 AM
Subject: Vacation
We all had a wonderful time.
Could you please tell us were to find a recipe for the beans and rice we were
served everywhere we went?? Thanks
Sheila Howard
Orlando, Florida
Dear Orbit
Had a great time with my little brother - this is my fourth one in the big brother program.
Samara, the mountains, San Jose were great. I would recommend your service to all tourists coming to Costa Rica.
Randy Shroy
From: Jim McCullough
To: harold at orbit
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: Confirm Reservation
Hi! We are just back today from our month in CR, had a great time and want to thank you very much for the car reservation, everything was just great. Also your advice on staying at the Buena Vista was right on, it is a lovely place and we enjoyed New Year's Eve and New Year's Day there, great staff!
Thanks again,
Heather Roney and Jim McCullough
From: Donna Kerr
To: harold/orbitcostarica
Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 9:03 AM
Subject: Re: Costa Rica
Hi Harold, sorry to be so late in replying.
The Costa Rica trip was fabulous with the exception of our 8-year-old getting sick. As for the accommodations, I have no complaints. Here is the run down: Palma Real was a nice new hotel with a very friendly staff. I am not sure about the location as far as resturants but at least it seemed like a decent part of the city. El Parador was a jewel. It really deserves the five star rating or at least a four star. It is a fascinating facility with beautiful landscaping, outdoor sculptures and the lobby was interesting with an upstairs library with a pool table. The entrance was gated with an attendant so our car was safe. The pool was wonderful with a swim up bar that served snacks. The breakfast buffet was fabulous with very good quality of food that made the stay there very cost effective. We ate most of our meals at the casual resturant and it was very good too. Villa Blanca was probably my favorite for several reasons. It is a very comfortable, quiet place with villas that were equiped with a wood burning adobe fireplace that was wonderful to dry off by after getting drenched in the pouring rain. My husband was able to take the canopy tour for about $60 I took a guided nature tour for $20. Our guide Alvero was excellent with a vast knowledge of the country and its nature. The food was outstanding. Local women cooked a delicious buffet of local foods. It really was larupin'. The woman that ran the place was very friendly. She said that it is owned by a former President of Costa Rica and he visits regularly. I recommend Villa Blanca for lots of reasons besides the above. It is fairly close to San Jose and it offers the tours and horseback riding. It may be a good place for older people as they are building a paved trail that is shorter. Highlights Tour was definitely worth it (you were right). We had a wonderful guide. We were able to see a two-toed sloth. Thank you for all you did to help us have a good trip. One last thing, Manuel Antonio National Park is closed on Mondays. That bit of information is not in any of the literature I read about it. I don't know if that is true for all of the National Parks but we were sure disappointed to find it closed the day we had planned to hike it. Take care and I will contact you when we come back.
Please put us on your mailing list if possible.
Thanks again.
Donna Kerr 5619 S. Richmond Tulsa, Ok 74135
(This lady works for Sabre which is the worlds largest airline reservation system)
From: Roger Kilpatrick
To: harold at orbit
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2004 7:12 AM
Subject: Thank you!
Many thanks for all of your efforts in making arrangements for our recent trip to Cost Rica! Everything was perfect...except American Airlines!!! Your thorough planning really helped us make the most of our time in Costa Rica.
You are right!!!! We believe!!!! Buena Vista was delightful and they were so nice.
The country is beautiful and the people are so nice!!! There is still lots to see so hopefully, we will return!
Carleen Kilpatrick
Greensboro, N. Carolina
From Dave Anderson
2074 Alpha Avenue-Burnaby, B. C. v5c5k7
Phone (604) 291-1477 Fax (604) 291-1097
To Orbit Travel San Jose
Jan 31, 2001
Good morning and greetings from all 8 of our travel club by way of this message.
Thank you for making our 4 days with you so enjoyable. You were super hosts and we have enjoyed your great country.
We had a good trip on the ship after leaving Costa Rica and arrived home Sunday fully jet lagged.
Your knowledge of the country was outstanding.
Please come and visit with us in Vancouver.
Dave Anderson
cc: our travel club
Gil Jacobs
Emil Anderson Construction LTD.
1148 6th Avenue
Hope, B.C.
604 869-5614
Kenneth W. Mahon
Adera Group
1111 Melville Street
Vancouver B. C.
604 684-8277
James B. Crawley
Crawley Petroleum Corp
105 N. Hudson
Oklahoma City, Ok
405 232-9700
From: Susan Degress
Hello Harold! Here is my feedback from our trip to Costa Rica. We LOVED Costa Rica and want to go back. I would use your company again. You booked our first and last night's accomodations, as well as our rentacar. We stayed in our timeshare the rest of the week (CondoVac La Costa in Playa Hermosa, Guanacaste).
1)first night's stay was hotel Torremolinos. This was very convenient and clean. We liked the fact that our room for 3 was divided in to 2 sections,
so our third party had some privacy and a separate entrance to her sleeping quarters.
2) last night's stay was at the beautiful Buena Vista hotel. We will go there again, because we didn't really have enough time to enjoy it. We were
only there for 12 hours. I would love to stay longer next time. The view of the plantation was great!!! (the pictures on your website cannot even do it justice.) And the host was very nice.
Again, thanks for your help, Harold. I'll recommend you to anyone going to CR.
Susan DeGress
Breckenridge, CO
Hola David -
I'll forward this to Harold from in San Jose, CR to get you a good 4wd - it's dry season so the roads and rivers won't be that bad, but the best truck to rent for 2-3 people is the Hilux, for 4 people, the Fourrunner. The Rav4 is a trooper, but has less clearance and smaller tires.
For a surf trip to Witch's, try Carlos or let Orbit contact him. Both can also drop you off for an overnight camping trip.
Other spots south of Tamarindo would be Langosta, where the rivermouth has surf even when it's small. Avellanas is a wide open empty beachbreak with offshore rocks - shallow and hollow at lower tides. And my favorite right point is Playa Negra, about 40 minutes south of Tamarindo. There are other ! spots, too, which you get to discover on your own.
Have a fun trip. Send some pics when you get back!
david wermuth wrote:
yo... me llamo david, and i was checking out your ideas and getting ready for a trip to costa rica in april. you layed out a bunch of beaches to check out, and i am pumped. i am planning on flying into liberia, and driving south to flamingo beach and tamarindo. last time i was in costa rica, i got to rip A SOLID 6-8 FT. SWELL AT TAMARINDO, AND BOdY SURFED SOME MASSIVE CLOSEOUTS AT FLAMINGO. it was awesome. this time i want to check out those spots again, and then a few more. my friend and i just want to cruise the coastline, check out ! waves, and stay in many different places... maybe even a boat trip to witches rock and ollies. i want to camp out on the beach... is this allowed/safe? i also saw you recommend rentals with orbit... we want a four wheel, but nothing fancy. last year i bombed thru a few rivers in a little piece of shit car, and almost stalled the thing. don't want that again. does orbit rent in liberia? or can you help me out there? also, where do you recommend we go after flamingo beach and tamarindo. that is as far south as i know. thanks a lot... gracias amigos... david (from northern california where the water is muy frio)
From: Villalpando, Raquel (Exchange)
To: 'harold at orbit'>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 10:42 AM
Subject: RE:
Hi Harold :) Hope things are great with you!! Just got back from
Costa Rica on Wednesday. It was an amazing trip.... best vacation
I ever had. Thanks for all your help!!
Bear Stearns is not responsible for any recommendation,
solicitation, offer or agreement or any information about any transaction, customer
account or account activity contained in this communication.
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: Thanks...
Harold, thanks for putting together our fine vacation. It was nice to
speak with you on the phone briefly.
The kids had a fine time, learned a lot, and we felt we got both an
adventure and a restful vacation; well-paced on your part.
Regards from mid-town Manhattan. If you've not been back since '92, you
would find it much changed indeed.
David Crommett
From: Nick Butcher
To: 'harold at orbit'
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 1:19 AM
Subject: Thanks
We have now returned back to London. Just wanted to thank you for all your help in booking things for us, making the trip far more enjoyable. We loved Cala Luna and Punta Marenco also - great recommendations.
You would not be surprised that after the trouble we had with Sansa for our flight to Tamarindo, we confirmed our flight to Palmar Sur the day before and still arrived on the day to find that they had cancelled our booking because we had not paid in advance. Fortunately we got the last 2 spare seats. Unbelievable !!
King Regards
Nick Butcher
Macquarie Bank Limited
From: Charles Houy
To: harold at orbit
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: Car Rental
We're back home following our "perfecto" Costa Rican vacation, and wish to thank you very much for your excellent help and advice. The 4 Runner was reliable transportation and priced well. The agent delivered the car to the Marriott San Jose on time and was very friendly and helpful, and at the end of our trip, while she picked it up an hour or so after they said she would come, no harm done. And the SUV worked otherwise 100%, including holding 4 large suitcases, one large duffle bag, and 2 smaller carryons with 4 people; carried us across some difficult roads, including 30 miles of dirt/gravel on the way to Playa Samara.
The Highlights Tour was perfect. The breakfast in the beautiful coffee plantation, Poas, jungle river boat trip, etc. Our driver and interpreter were both A+; will send you their names when I remember them. Have never seen so many tropical plants, so many varieties unknown to me.
One night at the Smithsonian Observatory Hotel was not enough for us, despite very heavy rain. The rain did stop enough for us to see the large red glow of the lava about 11 p.m., and the next morning it was clear and sunny. Wonderful walking trails, very good food, great views, nice rooms, showers, etc.
We then drove across the new bridge at Pto. Moreno on the way to Playa Samara; the bridge is terriffic, and the roadway is superior; we were, however, sorry that we wouldn't be taking the car ferry across.
Playa Samara was exactly as you described; the beach was great, the Villas de Playa Samara were not great. Although we planned to spend a week there, one night was enough. The Villas people were somewhat helpful, but the 2-bedroom unit we occupied had only one air conditioner, was not very clean, had biting ants in the beds, crummy linens and pillows, mattresses needing replacement, poor showers, a kitchen that barely worked and should be ripped out and replaced with new, but a pleasant exterior landscaping..... We have complained both to the Villas management, and to Interval International (the time-share swapping people).
And we will also seek out your advice again in the future, because you proved yourself to be a straight shooter with excellent advice and great arrangements!
Am passing your name along to several friends who are considering CR trips. One fellow, Clive Waugh, is thinking of resettling in CR. Thank you very much! Plan to talk with you again in 4-5 years when we can return! Please keep us on your mailing list as well.
Charles Houy
Newton, Massachusetts
Hey Harold --
I looked at your website & one of your customer letters was actually a business friend from California !! What a coincidence ! So, I guess this is a sign that I need to rent from you !
The folks I knew on the list were the Resniks from Santa Barbara -- They own 2 Relax the Back Stores in that area & I own the Relax the Back Store in Memphis TN -- We see each other each year at our national conference.
Regards -- Chris
The other day I was playing bridge on the MSN game room and some fellow at the table said are you the orbit guy from costa rica. I said yes but how did he know since you just use nicknames on the MSN. He said he had visted
our site since some bridge friend in costa rica told him about it.
It is a small world after all. What most people do not know is Jeff Bezos founder of Amazon taught me about the internet in 1992 about 5 months before i decided to retire to Costa Rica long before he dreamed up Amazon.
From: CJ Conant
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: rental reservation
You might remember me, last February-March I rented a 12-pax Toyota minivan from you guys but I was terribly paranoid about renting from you just because it was over the internet. Furthermore it was my first time to Costa Rica and I had serious concerns about renting a car because of all the horror stories I had heard. When we arrived at the airport everything was in order and when we returned the vehicle there were no surprises about what we owed. Also I am so glad we rented a new vehicle because those roads in Costa Rica do terrible things to vehicles in a short time. The only problem we had was a flat tire which we were able get patched for just three dollars.
Now I am looking to travel to Costa Rica with my wife and I wouldn't feel comfortable renting from anyone else.
Christopher J. Conant
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: costa rica
Sorry we didn't get in touch while in San Jose, but our time was so limited.
We basically had a great trip...Punta Marenco was a highlight, both in terms
of beauty, fantastic food and people we fell in love with. The only thing
would have changed was the weather (stormy and rainy) but it didn't really
stop our activities. Next time we probably wouldn't sign up for tours ahead
of time. There were plenty of folks ready to take us into the jungle and
the park adjacent to the resort (PUNTA MARENCO RIO CLARO PRIVATE RESERVE)
proved more interesting than Corcovado National Park (except for the
waterfall and river experience). Also, we wanted to cancel the snorkeling
trip because the seas were up and it was raining. We were charged for gear
which we didn't know about ahead of time. Then they messed up and didn't
have the right amount of gear or the right sizes.
La Mariposa was a welcome relief...clean and dry sheets and a beautiful pool
for the kids. We had been spoiled by the food at Punta Marenco and found
the hotel food expensive and not very good. Larry (the manager) helped us
with finding good native restaurants. He was a true delight.
Buena Vista was also terrific with such beautiful views and great host.
All in all it was a great and very memorable trip and you were toasted many
times.The only real glitch we encountered was the return back to snowy
Atlanta with an extra 30 hrs. there. Quite remarkable when you think about
moving 14 people around. thanks for all your help and look us up if you ever
are in the States.
We loved the bungalows at La Mairposa.
From: Steven Kimball
To: harold at orbit
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: kimball
Good morning Harold,
Thanks for getting back to me. I understand the charge now. As usual, you have been very helpful. We'll be sure to recommend Orbit Travel to our friends. You folks run a first class operation.
Best wishes,
NOTE: This client had question about the name of the charge on his bill which was different than the hotel name. Costa Rica is sometimes confusing to newcomers since most hotels names are not the actual company name that owns the hotel.
From: Begley, Jennifer
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:04 AM
Subject: What A trip
I want to thank you for all your help and guidance with our trip.
Buena Vista as a starting and ending location is excellent. Victor and Wilson were unbelievable.
La Mariposa in Manuel Antonio was to die for. A little expensive on the food, but the staff and views made up for it. I felt like a queen in my own mediterranian villa.
We ended up leaving there early and going to Arenal. We stayed at Tabacon. The view from my suite was unreal with the lava flowing right out my window, but I disliked the hotel. Too many people, too commercial.
Again, I thank you for all your advise and will let you know next time we will take another trip to that beautiful country.
Jennifer Begley
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, Nov. 27 2001 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: our vacation
Our vacation was wonderfull. The Buena Vista and Tambor were great. Thanks
for all your help.
Karen Allen Penny Grimmer
Chittenango, N.Y. Mercer Island, Washington
From: Margolis, Michael J (Exchange)
To: harold at orbit <
Sent: Monday, July 2, 2001 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: trip
Everything was wonderfull. Enjoyed all the tours and the hotels and
the personal attention.
Mike Margolis
Senior Managing Director
Bear Stearns
Bear Stearns is not responsible for any recommendation, solicitation,
offer or agreement or any information about any transaction, customer
account or account activity contained in this communication.
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: trip to costa rica
Date: January 30, 2001
Subject: Re: Reservation at Buena Vista
My friends and I had a great trip! The Buena Vista was the best!
Josh, my co-travelor, really appreciated the deluxe accomodations and good food. He quickly realized that much of Costa Rica operates at a slower pace and with fewer ammenities than he usually expects when traveling. Of the 5 places I have now stayed at in San Jose, the Buena Vista had the best accomodations, service, food and view!
Also, the Residencias de Golf was very convenient and worked fine for our overnight in San Jose, when flying to and from outlying cities. Thanks for your patience with our changing requirements. It all worked out well, and we had the rooms needed when our friends joined us.
I won't hesitate to contact you the next time I am planning a trip to Costa Rica.
From: Enrico Stradiotto <>
To: 'Harold at Orbit' <>
Date: Monday, March 05, 2001 2:36 PM
Subject: RE: Ecotour
>Hey Harold,
>I wanted to take this time to thank you for helping to organize my trip.
>Costa Rica was fabulous and the day tours were excellent. Sorry we could
>not spend any more time together than our first encounter, but I will
>endeavor to do so when I return to the country soon. Thanks again!
Date: January 10, 2001
From: jr22656@aol .com
Subject: help with trip to costa rica please
My wife and i are planning to visit Costa Rica in June of this year.
June 1 thru 10. We will be flying from Houston Texas.
Could you help with reservations and transfers, and setting up the flights. A good friend of ours used your service and was most please. He brought a group of students from the college here in Brownsville Texas.
I hope you can help with our plans.
My e-mail is jr22656@aol .com,
john russell
kelly russell
439 palo verde
san benito texas 78586
thanks for you help.
johnny russell
Follow up:
Date: January 22, 2001
From: jr22656@aol .com
Subject: RE: help with trip to costa rica please
From: Genaro Lopez gnrolpz@UTB1.UTB.EDU
To: Harold
Date: Friday, September 03, 1999 5:18 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: SCIENCE GROUP
Dear Harold:
The trip was FANTASTIC!!! No one got sick, one turned ankle, one stolen
but overall a tremendous success.. your guides were absolutely professional
both their knowledge and their conduct, the wildlife experience for our 18
biology students was second to none. Please send me you mail adress and I
will send you a copy of the local newspaper report..I will also add the
literature on constructed wetlands. Hope to see
you next year also..
Tu amigo, Genaro.
Professor of Biology
Science Dept.
University of Texas Brownsville
From: Mary R. Windt
Date: Friday, December 01, 2000 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Reservation
Dear Harold
We just returned from our short trip to Costa Rica, which was followed by a
cruise through the Panama Canal. I want to extend a tremedous thanks for
your help, honesty and input in suggesting day tours out of San Jose.
As you recommended, we took the Orbit Hightlights Tour. I must say it was
truly a highlight of our entire 2 week vacation. As we learned when we were
in Costa Rica, there were several companies offering a similar Highlights
Tour. The company Orbit choose to book us on this trip was excellent and we
feel we got the best package around. We had a small group and the guide was
excellent. We loved everything about the tour - the coffee plantation, the
Poas Volcano, the Hummingbird Gallery, the Salve Verde Lodge and the river
cruise. The day was certainly a well-spent one! The only criticism I would
make is that your tour description doesn't even convey how much you
actually see of the country (and the wildlife!) We were pleasantly
surprised at how wonderful the trip was. I also truly appreciate your
honesty in steering us away from one of the tours. Once we were in San
Jose, we could see that you were absolutely right in your recommendation.
It was a pleasure doing business with you. I look forward to traveling to
Costa Rica at some point in the future!
Mary R. Windt
Dear Orbit
Thanks for the information and booking. The Tilawa looks great.
Rory Grewar
291 Elm Road
Winnipeg, Canada
Date: Friday, January 05, 2001 1:29 PM
Subject: Our Vacation
I wanted to thank you for all of your time. We were understandably nervous
about setting everything up online. But all reservations were made &
everything went fine. The Buena Vista was beautiful & everyone there was
wonderful. Puerto Viejo had beautiful beaches & we enjoyed Cahuita but it
was a long drive from San Jose! The Torremolinos was a great hotel too, &
everyone was very helpful! The Arenal Observatory Lodge had big new rooms,
but we were disappointed that we couldn't see any lava flow - so don't know
that that was worth it. However, hiking there we saw our first monkeys!!
The high point of the trip for us was definitely Monteverde. The Establo
was a nice hotel & it is a neat town. The sky trek was awesome. We also went
horseback riding and did lots of hiking. Enjoyed the ecological farm more
than the cloud reserve. We ended our trip with the Highlights Tour from
San Jose. That was a full day, but we enjoyed it! Would consider staying at
the Selva Verde Lodge - it looked neat, was on the Saraquipi river & had lots
of trails, & was right in the rain forest. River rafting on the Pacuari was
also great!
All in all, we truly enjoyed ourselves & are hoping to visit Costa Rica
again! Thank you again for all of your time, help & patience.
Sara Kaplan
This is a great way to book Harold. You've really hit on something. Mullins has already figured it out. Authorization signed and will be faxed today. If any glitches, please let us know and we'll do what it takes to
get it straight.
Thanks again.
Bob Wright
239 North Maple
Beverly Hills , CA
Subject: RE:
Date: Monday, November 10, 1997 6:50 PM
I work in the computer industry so I've been exposed to literally thousands of different kinds of web sites. What you've accomplished with your site takes most people along time to figure out if they ever do. In general your site is fast to access, very understandable, very informative/relevant, and you didn't go crazy w/ wild colors, massive graphics and the information is just what we needed.
Dear Orbit
Thanks for your persistence in obtaining the space at the Aguila de Osa and helping us figure out how to get there from Dominical. We know we waited too late to make the reservations and really appreciate your help in getting us those three days.
Mary Ott
Silver Spring Maryland
I appreciate very much the time and effort you are expending in making our trip enjoyable.
Jan Johansson
Univeristy of Vermont
Thanks for the offer. Thats very kind. I can't thank you enough for your help with our problem in getting the hotel to correct our reservation.
Believe me next time I will only deal with you.
Melody Adamico
Date: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 7:53 AM
Subject: our recent trip
Harold, We cannot thank you enough for leading us to El Sesteo and Mar Verde. They were just what we were looking for. The transportation on ground and in the air was prompt and dependable. Thank you for allowing us to have such a memorable trip to Costa Rica. WE WILL DEFINITELY BE BACK! Sincerely, Rebecca Kemak
From: Doug CaJacob
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2000 11:30 AM
Subject: Trip Great trip.
The arrangements were flawless. The car worked out well. . Buena Vista is top notch. Sapo Dorado is great too, especially the resturant. The Observatory is OK, a little tired. I'd stay on the other side next time. Villa Teca would not be my choice on return, nothing wrong with it just nothing special about it. Thanx. I'll be back 2/2001.
I'll get ahold of you before then. Doug CaJacob
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 1:32 PM
Subject: Car Rental
All is set with the airline tickets, thank you very much. There was a considerable savings.
Let me know about the car rental.
Thank You
Jeff Kadish
From: Cheri
To: 'harold/orbitcostarica'
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2000 7:12 PM
Subject: RE: Rentar Auto
Hello Harold!! Thank you for your interest about my experience renting a car with your agency and the Toyota renta Car. I was very happy with the service every one there was very helpful and the service couldn't be better. I will continue to use your services in the future and will recomend to others using your agency. Thank you and it was a pleasure to do business with you.
Sincerely Olman E Alvarado.
Sept 10,1977
Dear Orbit
My girlfriend and I had a wonderful time on the tour to Tortuguero and the
hotel was nice. Also the first night in San Jose at the Sesteo was very
nice and it was interesting to meet the Dutch manager Peter. Good value
and I highly recommend this way of booking since you know so much more
about the country than travel agents in my country.
Thomas Christensen
Copenhagen, Denmark
Dear Orbit
I am now living in Costa Rica and really appreciated the discount airfares you obtained for me through your air fare specialist. They really saved me a lot of money on my trips back and forth to Costa Rica.
Jack Simmons
Escazu, Costa Rica
Dear Orbit
Many thanks for making our fist trip to Costa Rica a great vacation. The first night at the Rodeo was fine and the accommodations were great. However the real Costa Rica opened up when the Suzuki Sidekick you reserved for us took us to the Tulemar in Manuel Antonio. What a jungle and beach paradise. The ultimate however was back to San Jose in the mountains at the Xandari. The Xandari is not in this world but closer to heaven.
Gary Bauer
201E 86 Street
New York, NY
From: Mary McVey Gill
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: reservations
We took a taxi to Huasa or whatever that town is and got the minibus there. (Just FYI in case other people are going to Playa Grande.) The guy who drove the Huasa to Arenal route, by the way, was fabulous--he gave us a wonderful tour all along the way and was so knowledgable about everything! He drove much less fast than the bus drivers and didn't try to pass all the time, which was great. Wish I could remember his name--he lives in Tilaran and was just driving his own regular car. The hotels were all superb, everyone was friendly and nice, the food was great everywhere, and in general we had a fabulous time and are dying to go back again. Thanks for all your help.
Best, Mary
Stanford Univeristy
Dear Orbit
Orbit really saved us a lot of money on the airfare to Costa Rica on Continental. We searched all over in the states to get a deal and could not. We saved over $180 per ticket from Norfolk with you guys.
Gwen Deckson
Chesapeake, Virginia.
Dear Orbit
We saved $139 on each ticket with you from Orlando to San Jose. Thanks a lot. Your service was much better than we could have hoped. I do not know how to do it but we went to several agents here and could not get that price on Lacsa Airlines or any other.
Cheryl Jimsen
New Smyrna Beach, Florida
From: Clive Pinder
Subject: Thank you
Date: Saturday, January 03, 1998 7:58 PM
A brief note to thank you for helping arrange what has been a wonderful
visit to Costa Rica. The car rental went smoothly and Buena Vista and the
tour were a perfect star. Our trip to Playa Negra was excellent, despite
some excessive winds and poor surf. The Tilawa is a wonderful hotel and the
location excellent.
Harold, I will recommend your service to others.
To Orbit
From Paul Cohen Toronto
Had a great time. Parque Del Lago was good value. Tour of the volcano was great.
Enjoyed immensely the Marenco and the Osa Peninsula Jungle Tours. Just let your clients
know in advance about how remote it really is and to take everything they need from San Jose.
From: michael mather, cpa
To: Harold
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 1999 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: costa rica
Harold - Thank you for your timely reply.
The car rental was good. No problems with the van which, did indeed, fit all 8 of us plus our luggage. Our one night stay at the Arenal observatory Lodge was great. The volcano was active, billowing smoke, and glowing red after sundown. The hotel staff and restaurant staff were courteous and helpful. The final mile of the drive to the Lodge was a workout for our fully loaded Mazda Van. I would recommend the Lodge to anyone.
The El Ocotal resort was nice...but...I walk with a cane, and I had a very hard time climbing the walkway between the lobby/restaurant and my room. The walk down to the beach was likewise a hard chore. I would not recommend this hotel to anyone with physical disability which effects the ability to walk far distances. This difficulty caused us to leave the Resort one day earlier than planned. The people at the hotel were helpful and courteous.
The Villa Teca Hotel was good fun. We were the only guests there the first night. The friendliness of the Hotel employees during our stay was excellent. would also reccomend this Hotel to future guests. The Manual Antonio area is a very special place.
I am from Phoenix, Arizona, and would gladly recommend your services to all interested parties planning a trip to Costa Rica.
Thank you again... Mike Mather CPA
From: Cawp2
Subject: Thanks
Date: Friday, January 02, 1998 12:33 AM
Just returned from Costa Rica this afternoon and wanted to let you know how
smoothly most everything went. As well, you asked for some impressions
Napolean- Accommodations are nice, breakfast was an added bonus.
Pines --- Rustic accommodations, but perfect for our family. Jovino and his
family are a pleasure!
Ocotal - Beautiful! The hotel is in a wonderful location. A little remote for the teenagers - but we had a wonderful time there snorkeling and going into coco.
Buena Vista - Lovely little place - charming gardens, my daughter loved the birds
that abounded, the room large and comfortable! The New Year Party was fun too!
The auto Rental - perfect - everyone was very accommodating.
All in all, you did a great job - and we appreciate your recommendations and
effort. Let me know if you would like any other info.
Wishes for a very happy and healthy New Year.
From: Anna M. Amato
Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 7:27 AM
Subject: air / car reservations
Hi there...I've used your service in the past and wish to use you again! Here are our travel plans:
(4) people travelling to Costa Rica on Tuesday, December 28 (as early as possible)
(2) of us are departing from Detroit Michigan
(2) of us are departing from Memphis
We wish to fly together the final leg of the trip if possible...or at least arrive in Costa Rica around the same time. We will be returning on Tuesday January 11, and would like to fly back together on the first leg of the trip, if possible, or leave around the same time.
Also, we would like pricing on the following: least expensive four-wheel drive SUV vehicle - only air conditioning required for the entire two weeks (pick-up and drop off near main airport)
We will also have you book our San Jose hotel (I still need to get the name from my friend but it's downtown somewhere) for Tuesday night at the least, as well as one room with 2 double beds at the Hampton Inn on Monday, January 10.
I will fax the credit card information following your email response.
Thank you for your help with our travel plans....we love Costa Rica and plan on returning time and time again!
Best Regards,
Anna M. Amato
Edtec Consulting
Redford, Michigan
From: Jim Potts
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 7:48 PM
Subject: late reply
Dear Harold,
Sorry for the long delay in answering your email, but have been gone again and just super busy. The trip was wonderful. Every detail was taken care of and there were no problems. If you want me to write something that you can use on your web site I will be glad to do so. I can't wait to return. When we talked on the phone before I left Costa Rica I mentioned the possibilty of trying to bring a group to Costa Rica. I am very interested in pursuing that idea. I also am investigating working with 2 small colleges in our area to bring a group or groups to Costa Rica. Let me know what you would suggest for areas to go to and what ever. Thanks again for the super job on all of the arrangements for our trip.
Jim Potts
Kansas Jayhawks
From: Eric Dudley
To: Harold
Date: Saturday, October 17, 1998 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: Reservation Request
Just returned from San Jose last night. Everything was great! Had a wonderful time.
Thanks so much for your help.
Eric William Dudley
1309 Paul Jack Drive
Hampton, Va. 23666
Phone# 757-827-5843
From: Maureen B. Schmidt
Date: Friday, October 13, 2000 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: quote Hi The trip was perfect.
The airline tickets were correct. The folks at the Buena Vista treated me like a queen. The Verde Mar was exactly as advertised- in the middle of a rainforest but a minute away from the beach. The beach was very clean-no litter. Jerome runs a good ship. The desk staff were all very nice. This was the perfect vacation. I appreciate all your help in making it so successful. Do you arrange trips to Nicaragua? No plans, just curious.
Maureen Schmidt
Date: Saturday, September 04, 1999 5:56 AM
Subject: thanx
We just returned from a wonderful vacation and wanted to thank you immensely for all of the help you provided. The Buena Vista Hotel was perfect - Ed was there to pick us up at the airport. The Toyota Hi Lux was a perfect vehicle for us - and the price you got for us was well below all of the other places I had priced around for. We really appreciate all of your help, especially your promptness in answering our e-mails. We will definitely recommend you to others.
thanx again,
Shira Werb
From: lenny sloat To:
Date: Thursday, November 18, 1999 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Hotel Reservation
Harold, we had a wonderful trip and would like to thank you for all of your assistance. The Parador and their staff were wonderful. Thank you, Lenny and Sonja Sloat Leonard Sloat Address CMR 440, Box 112 APO AE 09175 Telephone 011-49-6155-605785
From: Susan Degress
To: harold at orbit
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 5:30 AM
Subject: Final response
You know what.... I have to apologize here. In all the back-and-forth, I must have miscalculated the $48. I was thinking that amount was only for the hours lost. But, it must also be for the gas because it s too much for merely the hours.
So, I apologize for that error.
I just checked my card, and it appears that they have now refunded me the $48. I m going to drop the $7.50 issue (please don t pay them!)
From: Suzanne Thompson <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 12:11 PM
Subject: from Martin Romijn
Below is an email from my fiance. He asked me to forward it to you.
Suzanne Thompson
Dear Harold,
The trip was wonderful. We had a very romantic time at Xandari. On
Friday night the owners asked if we had hiked that day. My fiancee
replied, "No. We got engaged in your bungalow #19 instead." They
were excited for us. At night when we returned to the room, they
had had an incredible bouquet of local flowers delivered. We did go
hiking the next day, and swam under a waterfall. The plantation is
beautiful, and so peaceful.
The rest of the stay in Costa Rica was very nice too.
I was surprised how friendly the people of CR are.
I thank you for everything and will contact you again when we plan
our next trip to Costa Rica.
With kind regards,
Martin Romijn
From: pipherthomas
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2001 1:57 PM
Subject: Great trip!
Dear Harold,
I just want to thank you and Gabriela for doing an excellent job of organizing my trip to Costa Rica. Mr. Massey and I had a great time and all the connections worked beautifully.
Tom Pipher
Miami , Florida
The following gentleman wanted to check with past clients of Orbit. Here is what he wrote to them and the replies are what he sent to us at Orbit. Hopefully this will give you some comfort that we do our best to make sure you will enjoy your trip to Costa Rica.
Scott Theuer wrote:
Hi: We are considering booking our Costa Rican travel with Orbit Travel, and understand you've used their services previously. We'd appreciate any comments you have.
Scott Theuer
Reply #1
From: Susanna Macomb
My trip is not until this coming Dec. He did get me airfare below the price of a specialized consolidator in New York. He also worked awfully hard to arrange hotels in a very busy (and booked) season. My friend who used him says that he really knows the country.
My advice: Costa Rica is a diverse country. Be very, very specific as to your preferences and needs. Susanna Macomb.
Reply #2
From: Mary McVey
Monday, July 31, 2000
They were great! The buses are a convenient way to travel and the hotels were very nice. Buen viaje! Mary
Reply #3
Minnig, Cliff Jr.
Monday, July 31, 2000
Hello we have used Orbit the past 3 years, they provide excellent service with low air fares from the US. His knowledge of the Hotel's so far has been right on. The company they use for transportation (Nicola, driver) is on time, and very helpful........... would highly recommend booking through them. As a side note Harold's wife is the equivalent of the U.S. Attorney General. Have a great time....... Costa Rica is unbelievable
Reply #4
Monday, July 31, 2000
Hi Scott, Yes, I did use Orbit Travel for my trip to Costa Rica. Their service was excellent. I booked a roundtrip flight, hotel reservations, and several interesting and enjoyable tours through them. I know you will be pleased with their service and you will find Costa Rica a great place to vacation. Enjoy your trip, Eric Dudley
Reply #5
From: Pam Christison
Monday, July 31, 2000
Harold at Orbit has an unusually brief correspondance style. He speaks english--I think he's from the US--but he's been in Costa Rica for several years. He is the only on-line travel agent that responded to all my questions. The airline ticket consolidators that he recommended gave me good prices for my tickets to San Juan--about $530 round trip from Denver. This was about $200 cheaper than I could find anywhere else. I didn't use Harold to book all my hotels, because I was a little nervous about doing that, but everything I booked through him was as represented. We stayed at the Hibiscus in Cahuita--the cabinas were very small and not too well maintained, but everything worked and the setting was GORGEOUS. We stayed at Canciones del Mar in Jaco--this was our favorite hotel on our whole 3-week trip. It's on the beach in Jaco with really great management & nice suites. We stayed at Mimo's hotel in Quepos--it was kind of pricey compared to what we'd paid elsewhere but quite nice. And we stayed at Buena Vista in Alajeula, which we really liked. The view is wonderful & the service was great too. Harold had suggested Canciones del Mar and Buena Vista, and we were really glad we took those suggestions. He also set up a full-day highlights tour on our last day in the country, which took us to some excellent places that we wouldn't have gotten to see otherwise. We traveled across the country by public transportation, which was okay--we didn't have any problems, and it was VERY cheap, but we spent a bit of time waiting for the buses, and at times they were very crowded. I think if I was to do it again I would take private transportation like the Orbit bus system. I would NEVER try to drive in San Jose--the traffic is insane, the streets are not marked, and everyone we talked to who tried it got hopelessly lost. One guy we met had to hire a taxi to drive to his hotel so he could follow it back. Also the roads really are very bad--we were very glad that we hadn't rented a car, but if we had we would have wanted a 4-wheel drive. We LOVED our trip to Costa Rica. I would use Harold again to book my vacation--the hotels I picked on my own (through a couple of guidebooks and the internet) were good but some of his were better. I hope your trip is great too! I would be happy to answer more questions if you want.
Pam Christison
Reply #6
From: Computer Exchange Sales
August 1, 2000
I have used them twice. They were very helpful both times. We love Costa Rica and cant wait to return.
Reply #7
Linda C. Maffia
August 1, 2000
Hi Scott, It was the first time I used them and as a travel agent did allot of background checking. The couple I sent there using Orbit were my cousins going on their honeymoon. They reported no trouble and loved the trip. Orbit was great to work with once I felt comfortable using their service. I would definitely use them again. Any other questions let me know.
Linda Maffia
Cradle Travel Consulting 518-464-1130
Reply #8
Adolfson, Dottie
August 1, 2000
We found them to be reliable and efficient. The transportation worked.
Reply #9
Jennifer Zbozny
August 1, 2000
Hi Scott!
I can't say enough good things about Orbit Costa Rica. There services were quick, informative, and completely trustworthy. In fact, at one point I think I was e-mailing them twice a day with "first time to Costa Rica" type questions - and they always responded within 24 hours. Their suggestions were excellent - they made me feel very comfortable too - they gave me their office numbers in Costa Rica so I could call them at any point on my trip if I had questions or needed assistance. And, of course, I did. I needed to arrange another internal plane ticket for a friend who flew down to meet us. We were in a teeny town. I called O.C. and they managed to have the ticket waiting in the teeny office in the teeny town for me. They also were able to recommend some very practical "do's" and "don'ts" about where to go and what to do around the places we had chosen as our "base point". Very reliable. Very trustworthy. We had a great trip and I have O.C. to thank for it. Feel free to write me if you have other questions - I'm happy to do what I can. Also, if I don't hear back from you - have a terrific time!
Reply # 10
August 1, 2000
Scott - I think that Orbit does a great job. Orbit has one program that I really like where you actually design your travels after you arrive from day to day. So many tours make you follow a rigid schedule. I have never known anyone who has complained about their arrangements. I have rented cars through Orbit and have had friends use the service. I am thinking of leasing a small hotel in Escazu and will use Orbit as one of my sources for clients. If I can answer anything else let me know.
Reply #11
Doug CaJacob
Monday, July 31, 2000
Yes we used their services. They worked with us thru many iterations of what we wanted to do. They helped us work thru a consolidator for our air travel. It worked flawlessly. They booked a Toyota 4runner (it was a 2000 model - like new). No problems. The lodging arraignments all worked well with the exception of one place that double billed us and they helped straighten that out expedicoiusly. Do carefully review the properties they present. I suggest you only take the newest, top of the line places within their normal range as quality down there is measured differently than here. Would I use them again? Yes, in a heartbeat. It was a good value. I'd be glad to help with anything else if you would like.
Doug CaJacob
Reply #12
From: Hugh
Monday, July 31, 2000
Hello Scott,
We traveled to Costa Rica in June of 1999. We used Orbit to only rent a car and had no problems with Orbit or the rental agency. We got a mid-size(a small SUV) 4 wheel drive that could seat 4 people convertibly - believe is was a Chevy - Suzuki makes the same model. We were only 2 people and found it was just the right size. You will find the roads in terrible condition - many pot holes in the paved roads and many not paved at all. We only needed to use the 4 wheel drive once in 3 weeks. However, if we went back to CR would definitely rent a 4 wheel again to have the "high" axles to clear the million rocks on the unpaved roads. By the way before we booked our car, I telephoned Orbit, which is located in San Jose, CR, from California and spoke with the owner. He is from the East Coast - I think he said New Jersey. He was very helpful.
Good luck
Reply #13
Monday, July 31, 2000
Orbit is highly recommended. They are very knowledgeable and will help your trip be as good as it can be. I will definitely use them again.
Reply #14
Monday, July 31, 2000
Orbit was my first experience with booking everything over the Internet. Is was just coincidence that I dealt with Orbit Travel. I found them to be responsive, accommodating, and eager to please. My trip went without a hitch and was pleasantly surprised that everything went so well. I would certainly use them again.
Good luck,
Reply #15
From:Genaro Lopez
Monday, July 31, 2000
Scott: Harold and Company are superb...they really treated us nicely. and they had the best prices!! I don't think you can go wrong with them for CR travel arrangements.
Buena suerte, Genaro Lopez, PhD. Sponsor, Gorgas Science Society Univ of Texas @ Brownsville
Reply #16
From:French, Martin V LCDR
[French, Martin V LCDR]
Monday, July 31, 2000
I did the same thing you did. Wrote about 10 emails to former customers to make sure the company was legit before making any commitments. I got good responses from everyone. We did a lot of research for our honeymoon and ended up trying to work with AAA, then we stumbled onto the Orbit website. We are paying 1/2 the price AAA was charging, for the SAME exact airline flights, and staying at the exact same hotel. We didn't just save a couple of hundred bucks, we saved over 50%. Service with Orbit was always same day. You write them an email and they answered a couple of hours later, unless you're asking them to research rental car places, then they'd answer the following day. We haven't gone to Costa Rica yet, so we don't know how things are going to go, but Orbit's been great so far.
Hope this helps.
Reply #17
From:Donna Kerr
Monday, July 31, 2000
I would be happy to recommend Orbit Travel. Harold was very helpful and he responded to my E-mails promptly. He booked my hotels making it very easy for me and think he was able to obtain a good discounted rate. He really pushed the Highlights Tour and we are glad he did because it was well worth it and our guide was excellent.
Have a great time.
Reply #18
From:Donald A. McFarlane
Monday, July 31, 2000
At 08:08 AM 07/31/2000 -0400, you wrote: Hi: We are considering booking our Costa Rican travel with Orbit Travel, and understand you've used their services previously. We'd appreciate any comments you have. I used Orbit this past March to broker the rental of a minibus and a four-wheel drive truck (ultimately involving two different companies). Orbit's arrangements went very smoothly, and the price was competitive. I would definitely use them in the future. Sincerely,
Donald A. McFarlane Associate Professor of Biology W. M. Keck Science Center The Claremont Colleges, 925 North Mills Avenue, Claremont CA 91711-5916
ph: (909) 607 2564
fx: (909) 621 8588
Extinct Mammals of the West Indies website:
From: Scott Theuer
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 5:48 PM
Subject: RE: punta marenco
Owner of Punta Marenco, Iliana (think I got the spelling right) could not
have been more accommodating. Someone was waiting for us at Palmar Sur, taxi
arrived about 20 min later. Ride is about 30 min over *very* bad road.
Waited about 20 min more for boat and we were on our way. Iliana met us at
the beach - cabins are about a 5-8 minute walk from boat/beach (not right on
the water as we had thought, but very nice). She had a late lunch waiting
for us on arrival - very small and intimate setting - like being in
someone's house while we ate - exactly what we were looking for. Tour of
Cano was OK but slightly disappointing because we went primarily to see the
stone spheres but there are much better examples sitting right by the Palmer
Sur airport. Nice hike though and she packed us off with a nice lunch. Cano
beaches are very pretty, but surf is more dangerous than it looks - swimming
not advised for small kids - but other guests told us snorkeling very good
100' offshore. Corcavado tour was a little short because heavy rains the
night before prevented us from making a river crossing that was necessary to
get to the "good area". But nice anyway - saw monkeys, Toucans, macaws, etc.
Took many pictures (25 rolls) but have not received them yet, will send a
few of Morenco so you have more. We will without a doubt go back to Punta
Morenco again. Saw enough of Aguilla De Osa, Drake Bay Resort and La Paloma
that we know we made the right choice (based upon your recommendation).
Misc. notes on other parts of trip:
Highlight Tour was a very good recommendation of yours - very long day but
very well planned. Just when you *really* needed a break they took one.
Although tired, even the kids (6 & 9 if you recall) made it through the
almost 12 hours. You really come away feeling like you've seen a lot. Guide
was very fluent and knowledgeable. Bus was brand-new (and I noted had
exhaust-brake - *very* important considering the grades that were
descended - other vehicles including other tour busses had overheated brakes
near La Paz waterfall). Driver was very smooth and cautious, a very nice
ride. Food was good, although breakfast was a little skimpy - many quests
wanted a little more food and there really wasn't enough. Highly recommend
this tour to others.
Arenal Observatory Lodge - initially we were disappointed as were other
guests we ran into - we were expecting to see much more in the way of lava
flows since such a big deal is made of the views available from the
room -even on their web site. Important to let people know there is *NO*
flow (at
least now) visible on the south or west sides, which means neither Arenal
Lodge nor Observatory Lodge can see any flow whatsoever from rooms. Only
location for viewing is $25/person ride around mountain to north side.
We didn't bother. However, once we got over that,
Observatory VERY quiet and nice. Room in new building was large, but not too
private (huge windows for viewing volcano also look directly onto road
passing in front of room which is used by staff and guests - there you are
laying in bed in the morning as everyone walks/drives by your room - most
people kept their drapes closed which pretty-much defeats the purpose of the
view). Old building setting much nicer but I think rooms are smaller. The
morning (free) hike with guide is not to be missed. Very knowledgeable, and
took us to an area of old lava flows that was magnificent. Saw many
interesting things along the way as well. Also, a good self-guided walk to
waterfall that is quite something. Staff very accommodating and gift shop
had some of the nicest feather paintings we found anywhere (including
several shops in Sarchi). Would go to Observatory again but not the new
Buena Vista very nice - wish we could have stayed longer. Must request the
Sun Deck rooms - great views. Very accommodating - they were able to do a
large load of laundry for us the night of arrival and had it done 2 hours
later at a very reasonable cost. Stored our bags as you suggested - and they
did so for free.
Travelaire - mixed reviews - very happy with the trip down - highly
professional crew in twin-engine turboprop, checklists in English, uniforms
etc. Professional airline. Trip back was something else, and will be writing
to Travelaire for detailed explanation. Apparently in an effort to carry
more people than they had planes for, sent a rented Piper Aztec in fair
condition with young kid in blue jeans to pick us up. Fire up, onto the
runway (not the beginning), blast off, into the clouds without a planned
route, clearance, etc (he tells me this is how it's done but pretty hard to
believe), inop fuel gauge, etc, etc. Fly in the clouds most of the way with
pilot chattering and laughing with his buddies on the radio, and arrive at
Pavas. Bear in mind as I make these comments that this is what I do for a
living. Although the pilot clearly knew the airplane and had obviously done
this a lot, I was *very* uneasy. If I wanted to load my family up into an
old rented piston twin with a young kid flying I could have arranged it
myself for probably half what we paid Travelaire. This was not what we paid
Travelaire for, and again, I will be asking for a *detailed*
justification/explanation from them - perhaps you could also do so on our
behalf. I also found it interesting that Travelaire makes a big deal about
only using twin-engine airplanes, and on our return to Pavas we find a
single-engine Travelaire Cessna 210 sitting on the ramp waiting for
Xandari - what's not to like? About the only gripe was that they did not
respond to numerous messages a week prior regarding pickup at Pavas, so we
assumed they weren't coming and arranged our own, only to find the Xandari
van waiting and the driver a little miffed when we tried to explain we had
arranged other transportation. Driver did not speak much English so got
someone to interpret for us and patched it all up. Place is incredible, very
relaxing, but very $$. The walk on the trails is worth it, but allow a
couple hours or more to do it.
All in all, trip was a raging success, and we lucked-out weather wise. Was
beautiful most of the trip - what rain we did have was either at night or
was light enough it didn't deter any activities. We'll be back. One comment
about camera film - very low-light conditions, recommend 400 ASA film at a
minimum, 800 would be better. I only has 200 ASA and am worried many
pictures will be too dark or possibly blurred because I had to use a very
slow shutter.
Shuttle Bus right on schedule for pickup, driver very pleasant and stopped
at good place for a break. However, return pickup was about 45 minutes late,
drivers spoke essentially zero English, drove the trip back pretty wildly
(to the point that my wife almost got car sick), and the stop was adequate
but rushed at a local bar along the way. Interbus accepts credit cards if
they have the info in advance. Did what you suggested - Hampton then cab to
Buena Vista.
From: "Kurt Zarwell" <
To: <
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 12:50 PM
Subject: Thanks
Hello Harold,
Thanks for the making the auto reservation and for the advice on the Rav 4.
I had a great trip and would recomend your services to anyone. I think its important to have a third party such as yourself to help negotiate if there are any problems. Thanks again and good luck.
From: "Mike France" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2003 1:21 PM
Subject: costa rica reviews
Just a note to thank you for your help in organizing my family trip to Costa Rica. We had a great time and plan to return @ the end of March. Thanx,
From: Jim McCullough <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 6:47 PM
Hi! We are just back today from our month in CR, had a great time and want to thank you very much for the car reservation, everything was just great. Also your advice on staying at the Buena Vista was right on, it is a lovely place and we enjoyed New Year's Eve and New Year's Day there, great staff!
Thanks again,
Heather Roney and Jim McCullough
From: "Paul Avalone" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 10:33 PM
Subject: RE: costa rica
I recently retired to Costa Rica and rented sight unseen by email a wonderfull condo in Avalon in Santa Ana from Angela and Harold of Orbit Travel. They did exactly what they promised and their advice thru the months has led me to the paradise I hoped for in Costa Rica. Angela especially is an expert in all aspects of real estate and is a well know certified appraiser for the banks in Costa Rica. They referred me to an attorney who handled all my needs in obtaining all the documents I needed to live here. If you need any more info you can call me at 203-4028. Best time to call is afternoon or night since i spend my mornings in the pool at the condo.
Paul Avalone
former unhappy resident of New York City retired from the rat race at 56.